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谁会这道题:阅读理解 On

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 05:42:25
谁会这道题:阅读理解 On
     One day an Australian farmer,Joe,saw a bright light in the sky. ①The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly
Joe saw that it was a spaceship.
The spaceship landed in a field quickly.    The door of the spaceship opened and two
strange beings climbed out. ②They seemed to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them.He tried to run away.
But the spacemen walked towards him,picked him up and carried him into the spaceship.They put wires(电线) from
a machine onto his head and they could speak to him in English.
     They asked him some questions about the earth."We are from Venus," they said,"but it's getting very hot there.A
lot of our people are dying and we don't have much time left.We are trying to find a new home."
     After some time they ③freed Joe and at last the spaceship took off and could not be seen again.Joe told his friends
about the spaceship,but no one believed his story.
     "You'll believe me one day," Joe told them."The spaceman will come back..."
3.According to the conversation between Joe and the aliens,what do we know about Venus?
A. let…go
B.paid no money
C.took away
    (1) Some people _____ in everlasting life after death.
    (2)The girls are _____ of going out at night.
1.It seemed that they were half man and half bird.
2.It seemed that they were half man and half bird.
3.Venus is getting very hot.A lot of its people are dying and they don't have much time left.
    They are trying to find a new home.
5. (1) believed
    (2) afraid