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英语填词Four friends,Alex,Lucy,Sam and Joe were sitting in a cof

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 05:02:43
Four friends,Alex,Lucy,Sam and Joe were sitting in a coffee bar and chatting,when the subject of their own faults came up in conversation.
“ I must say,” said Alex,“ I sometimes use the company’s p__76____for private calls.And I often took o__77____ things home from work when the boss isn’t looking.If my boss f__78_____ it out,he would let me go at once.”
“Well,I guess my greatest fault,” Lucy told the group,“ is that I gamble(赌博) too much.I play online poker and I buy lottery tickets.My parents are really strict,and if they heard about it,I’d be in real t___79_____.
“ I don’t gamble,” Sam said,“ but I’d say that my worst fault is my drinking h__80______.I drink far too much.If it ever got out,I’d l___81_____ my job.”
Joe had been q___82____ during the conversation,so Sam t___83_____ to ask him,“Well,Joe,do you have any fault,then?”
“Oh,yes,” said Joe,“ and mine is w___84____ than any of yours.My greatest fault is that I just can’t keep a s___85_____.”
76 phone 电话
84 worse 更糟糕,bad的 过去式