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The common language way of expressing the efficient market h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 11:17:20
The common language way of expressing the efficient market hypothesis is “there's no such thing as a free lunch”.How should one react when a stock broker calls up with a hot tip on the stock market?With skepticism.(88) There are thousands of individuals each day looking for hot tips in the market,and if a particular tip about a stock is valid there will be an immediate rush to buy the stock,which will quickly drive its price up.By the time the tip gets to your broker and then to you,the profit opportunity that arose from the tip (assuming that there was one) is likely to have been eliminated.Similar arguments can be made for bond markets and commodity markets.They are many “expert” in these markets,who take quick advantage of any news that affects prices.This economist's view that there are very limited profit opportunities around can,of course,be carried too far.There are clearly times when profit opportunities exist.(89) Someone has to be first to get the news,and some people have quicker insights than others.Nevertheless,news does get disseminated quickly,and there are thousands of people with quick insights.The general view that profit opportunities are rare is close to the mark.