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英语翻译请英文达人帮忙翻译一下复制内容 <“尊敬的***先生您好.最近你过得还好吗?很高兴能以这种方式与您联络.实在不能

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 09:37:02
请英文达人帮忙翻译一下复制内容 <“尊敬的***先生您好.最近你过得还好吗?很高兴能以这种方式与您联络.实在不能用语言来形容此刻我心中的喜悦,因为在我心里您是我所敬慕的人,这与任何外在的一切没有任何关系,无关相貌、金钱、地位,虽然别人更期望你能够提升这些外在的一切,但是我只单单敬慕你的为人,你对艺术的那份赤诚和热爱,让我看见了你独有的魅力,我知道你是一个完美主义者,所以你极力的追求艺术上更大的成功,你做到了!看,你已经把一切都做的尽善尽美.你对社会所怀有的责任心更让我尊敬.可能正是因为对你的这份尊敬让我对你产生了一种畏惧,即便有很多次,我距离你很近很近,但是我却没有再靠近你,我选择了离开,能默默的为你做一些事我已经很开心了.我承认,你是一个我爱的人,你是我爱了很多年的人,如果一开始这只是出于青春年少的冲动,那么现在就是岁月积淀所留下的真情了.但是这份爱仅仅是存在于我的心底里,在我的心灵深处,仅此而已.今天我想向你诉说那关于我的一切,开心的还有不开心的,我希望你能像我的老朋友一样的聆听我的话,现在的我因为工作和一些其他的原因居住在(…)(**)这里有很多外来人,有很多来自不同国家,不同地方的人,我也是其中之一,这的环境与我的家乡相比很差,人们在这里只为了追寻到一份属于自己的梦想,我也不例外,因为我的工作范围是国际贸易,所以我常年和各个国家的人接触,有时候这个行业的黑暗也让我感到不齿,我是一个非常直率的人,遇到一些不正当的事情,我不会选择视若无睹,往往我会直接指出不当之处,因为我的这个性格我得罪了很多人,但是我并不后悔,因为我认为,纵容不法的事情发生才是最大的羞耻.让我感到欣慰的是,我也结识了很多好朋友,正是这些朋友陪伴我度过了很多艰难的时期.夜晚来临时,我喜欢一个人静静的坐在房间里,拿起笔,写出一篇篇诗歌,文章,我爱写作,能写出好的作品,一直都是我的梦想.有的我把它投递给报社、杂志,有的我把它珍藏起来,偶尔拿出来看看,也能让我会心一笑.这里有很多教堂,在星期天,我会来到上帝的圣殿敬拜上帝,只有在亲近上帝时,我的心里才是最开心的,虽然我的人生曾经经历了很多的苦难,但是上帝始终用恩典伴随我.***,我盼望你也能常常亲近上帝,因为我们的上帝是信实的神!他给你无尽的爱与恩典,只要你寻求他,你就必在他那里得力量和帮助,他会指引你人生的方向,他是永远对你负责到底的神.”> 复制完毕,
Dear Mr.XXX,
How are you recently? I'm happy to contact with you in this way. There's no word to describe my feeling right now, because you're the most respectful man in my heart, and this doesn't have anything to do with outside part of you, not about appearance, finance, or status of power, even though others want you to improve these, but I'm just respect how you treat people, your love and passion toward art, lead me to see your special fascination. I know you are a perfectionist, so you are trying your best to pursue greater success on art, and you did it! See, you already made everything perfect. The respect you hold to the society has made me even more revere to you. Maybe it is this kind of reverence create a dread for me to you, even there's many time I came real close to you, but I couldn't came any closer. I chose to leave, it is happy enough for me to do things for you silently. I admit, you are one of my love, I loved you for years. If this started as the impulse of teenager, then, now it is the true love that the deposit by time. However, this love were just saved in my heart, deep inside, and just it. Today I want to tell you everything about me, whether it is happy or not, I hope you will listen to my words as my old friend, thank you very much! Now I live in XXXX because of work and many other reasons. There's many foreigners, came from different countries, different places, and I am one of them. The environment isn't as good as my hometown, people are here are just to found their dream, and I'm not a exception. Because my scope of work is international trading, I communicate with different countries people for years, and the darkness of this business made me feel ashamed sometimes. I am a candor person, when something injustice happen, I won't chose to be silence, instead, I will point out the unfairness. This kind of characteristic offended many people, but I'm not regarded for it, because I believe that, it is more ashamed if I just let these things happen. What I am proud of is that I do made many good friends. They helped me get through the many hard time. When the night come, I like to be sitting alone in the room, take out my pen, and write poetry, articles.I love writing, to write a good article is always my dream. Some of them I will send to newspaper for publish, some I will collect it for myself, take it out to read them sometimes, it made me feel warm. There's many churches here, at Sunday, I'll go to God's temple to do worship. Only be that close to the God is my happiest time. Thanks God. Even though my life has been hard for lots of time, the God always be with my with his grace. XXX, I hope you can be close to the God sometimes, because our God is a honesty God! He gives you unlimited love and grave, just pursue him, you will must get power and help from him, he will guide you for your life, he will always be responsible for you, until the end.
英语翻译请英文达人帮忙翻译一下复制内容 <“尊敬的***先生您好.最近你过得还好吗?很高兴能以这种方式与您联络.实在不能 英语翻译尊敬的先生:认识您好几年了,我以私人的名义,很冒昧的向您提出请求:我的外甥XXX(附简历),请您考虑一下,看看能 英语翻译自 荐 信尊敬的领导:您好!感谢你能抽空垂阅我的自荐信!很高兴能为你介绍一下自己的情况:我来自郫县安靖镇.郫县, 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译一下这几句话谢谢.“很高兴再次见到你,我很想你.这段时间还好吗?” 英语翻译尊敬的史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格先生:您好!首先,请允许我先道个歉,都怪我以前用的翻译软件不好,所写的出来的英文都词不达 帮忙一下英语翻译不能只复制Google翻译的但可以用Google翻译改得通顺一点,不离原意,最好能原原本本翻译过来.谢谢 英语翻译翻译内容:您好认识您们很高兴,我们希望您能把你的地址给我们,我们有时间会给你写信,请经常联系,欢迎再次来中国! 英语翻译翻译成英文哦!最近过得好吗?2、最近的工作还顺利吗?3、祝您天天开心,事事顺心! 请大家帮我把这句汉语 翻译一下英文 :我已经回到了中国 你在那边还好吗?工作顺利吗?我很高兴得到了你的回复 当然 我也一 英语翻译这是首歌名字 的确很好听 但是小弟的英文实在不怎么样 姐姐帮忙翻译过来一下好吗// 英语翻译需要给一个德国朋友说两句,很简短引号内是需要翻译的内容“好久不见挺想念你的.最近你还好吗?我在这里过得很好,准确 英文回信翻译我想这样回:亲爱的叔叔,收到你的来信我们很高兴,我们一切都很好,你们在英国过得好吗?收到这封邮件后请回复.