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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:02:12
第一部分——听力: 得分×10×0.2=标准分数(142~58分)
第二部分——阅读: 得分×10×0.4=标准分数 (284~116分)
第三部分——词汇:得分×10×0.15=标准分数 (106.5~43.5分)
第四部分——完型/改错/翻译/简答:得分×10×0.1=标准分数 (71~29分)
第五部分——写作:得分×10×0.15=标准分数 (106.5~43.5)
1. 内容是否紧扣主题,涵盖提示要点.(审准题)
2. 作文结构层次是否清晰.(引言段,扩展段,结尾段)
3. 语言表达是否流畅,有无重大语病,有无逻辑错误 (其实,在作文中考生自己同意哪种观点并不重要,用什么方法来解决问题也没有“标准”答案,只要言之有理、自圆其说即可,当然立意新颖会得高分)
4. 是否能恰当得使用过渡性词语,注意句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间的衔接.
5. 作文字数是否达到要求
6. 卷面是否整洁,书写是否漂亮.
Chapter One议论文利弊类模板
1. Nowadays, _______ is playing a more and more important role in people’s daily life. However, people’s opinions are still divided on this point.
Those who are in favor of ____ claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, _____. Secondly, ______. Last but not least, _______.
Those who are opposed to ____ hold that disadvantages are many. In the first place, _____. In the second place, ______. Finally, ______.
All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros outweigh the cons. The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of _____ along with ____. A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of ________.
2. Like anything else, ____ has both advantages and disadvantages.
The main benefit of ____ are as follows. First, _____. In the second place, _______. Last but by no means the least, _______.
However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, ______. Second, ______. Finally, _______.
In conclusion, the advantages of ______ outweigh its disadvantages, ________.
3. Recently more and more people begin to ____. They argue that ____ bring several advantages. First, _____. Second, ________.
____ also bring many problems. Firstly, _______. Secondly, _____. Finally, ______.
From what has been discussed above, we can see clearly that the disadvantages are more obvious, ________.
4. There is a good side and a bad side to everything, and ____ are no exception. Generally speaking, the positive aspects can be listed as follows. To begin with, _______. In the second place, _____. Most important of all, _______.
However, as every coin has two sides, the negative aspects are also obvious. For one thing, ______. For another, _______. Most important of all, ______.
As for me, ______. First, _______. Second, _______. What’s more, _______.
Example One:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Overseas Study
Like anything else, overseas study has both advantages and disadvantages.
The main benefits of studying overseas are as follows. First, the academic level is usually higher and the research facilities are usually more advanced. In the second place, by understanding a new culture and meeting different people, they can develop a more reasonable and balanced view toward the world. Last but by no means the least, the experience will be invaluable to character building, making most students more independent, diligent and enterprising.
However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, if a person does not make full preparations before going out, he will have great difficulty adapting to the new environment. Second, the cultural differences will hinder the regular life in many ways. Finally, money is always a big problem. Many students have to find part-time jobs to earn money to pay tuition and fees.
In conclusion, the advantages of overseas study outweigh its disadvantages. Once they return home, the overseas students will make great contribution to out motherland.
Example Two:
Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports
1. 体育运动的好处
2. 体育运动可能带来的副作用
3. 我参加体育运动的体会
There is a good side and a bad side to everything, and sports are no exception. Generally speaking, the positive aspects can be listed as follows. To begin with, people will have a healthy body and a sober mind if they take part in sports regularly. In the second place, we can also learn cooperation while making good friends. Most important of all, sports will teach us good qualities such as courage, determination and perseverance.
However, as every coin has two sides, the negative aspects are also obvious. For one thing, too many sports will make us feel exhausted. For another, old people and children should be most careful to choose proper sports. Most important of all, some sports are dangerous in nature such as boxing, surfing, and mountaineering. Consequently amateurs should receive guidance and company if they want to have a try.
As for me, I am a sports lover and my favorite sport in winter swimming. First, I become stronger and stronger both in body and in mind. Second, I make friends with a lot of teachers and schoolmates. What’s more, I become confident in myself—I will never give up in front of difficulty.
Chapter Two图表作文
(1) 审题——看懂图表内容,弄清写作重点
(2) 描述——主次分明,准确生动
(1) 开头段——说明该图表反映的概况,选择能充分说明主题的典型数据进行概述;
(2) 中间段——对数据进行仔细的分析比较,归纳出增减速率,找出产生变化的原因;
(3) 结尾段——写看完图表后的想法或评论,得出自己的结论.
(1) 曲线图题型(Line Chart);(2)饼状图题型(Pie Chart);
(2) 柱状图题型(Bar Chart) (4) 表格图题型(Table)
(1) 要突出重点,抓住图表中的极端点,如:最大或最小,最多或最小,最好和最差,基本相同之处等.
(2) 总趋势的描述必须准确,要看出总的规律、趋势,抓住特征,归纳增减速度.
(3) 图表上资料、数据的描述必须选择重点,不能事无巨细,一一列出.
As is clearly shown in the table/figure/graph/chart, ___________ between ____ and _____. Especially, __________. (3)There are three reasons for _________.
To begin with, __________. In addition / Moreover, ____________. For example, ____________. Last but not least ___________. In short, ________.
As far as I am concerned/For my part/As for me, ________. On the one hand, _____________. On the other hand, ____________. In brief, ___________.
As is clearly shown in the chart, students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week between 1990 and 1995. Especially, it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000. There are three reasons for this phenomenon.
To begin with, due to the sharp decline in price of personal computer, most college students now can afford one. In addition, they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with. For example, they can chat through QQ or playing games online. Last but not least, from Internet, they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future. In short, low price, increasing awareness of having fun or getting information from Internet make students use computers a lot.
As far as I ‘m concerned, there are some complaints from both teachers and students. On the one hand, students complain about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the network. On the other hand, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own. In brief, in spite of problems concerning the use of computer, we can’t deny that computer is of more merits than defects.
The table/figure/graph/chart shows that ________ from ______ to _______. / It can be seen from the table that _____. It is self-evident that, _________. Three possible reasons contribute to ____________./ Why are there so many changes during those __ years?
One reason is that _______. Aother reason is that _________. For instance, ________. What is more, _______. As a result, _____________,
However, in my opinion, _________. For one thing, _________. For another, __________. To sum up, _________.
The chart shows that students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995. It is self-evident that it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000. Three possible reasons contribute to this phenomenon.
One reason is that most college students now can afford a personal computer due to the sharp decline in its price. Another reason is that they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with. For instance, they can chat through QQ or playing games online. What’s more, from Internet, they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future. As a result, all these lead to much more time spent on using computers.
However, in my opinion, there are some complaints from both teachers and students. For one thing, students complain about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the network. For another, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own. To sum up, in spite of the problems concerning the use of computer, computer is still of more merits than defects.
The Increase of Farmers’ Income
This chart shows the increase of farmer’s family income in the county from 2002 to 2004. The farmers’ family income in 2002 was 20,000 yuan per family. It increased by 50% to 30,000 yuan in the year of 2003, and jumped spectacularly to 45,000 yuan, increasing by another 50% of the amount of 2003.
From the result it can be seen that the farmers’ family income has increased sharply in the last three years, and they are living a better life now. I think there are several reasons for the increase. Firstly, with the rapid development of our country’s economy, our government has paid more and more attention to the development of agriculture. Measures have been taken to encourage agriculture production and to protect the farmers’ interests. Agricultural taxes and other charges have been reduced, more funds have been invested in the development of agricultural projects, and crop prices have been raised. Secondly, thanks to the popularization of science and technology, and better education, many farmers are now using agricultural machinery or even high-tech in farming. Since mechanization and high-tech can help accelerate the increase of the output of agricultural products, farmers can sell more products and make more money.
As the development of the economy goes further on, I think the farmers’ income will continue to increase in the future.