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英语SAT上几道语法题 1 In the opinion of the lecturer, a background i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 22:46:12
英语SAT上几道语法题 1 In the opinion of the lecturer, a background in the history of the Middle Ages is not a condition necessary in the enjoyment of medieval literature.
答案写 a condition necessary in 中in 错了 .是不是改成 for? 我在字典上查到有 be in the enjoyment of 用法啊!
2 Far away from having been a die hard conservative, Hoover was, some scholars now contend, the leading progressive of his day.
答案写 away from 错了. 为什么? 要怎么改?
3 Opposite to most people I know, Annie, a good photographer herself, actually enjoys seeing the photographs that her friends take on their vacations.
答案写 opposite to 错了. 为什么?
4 Until just recently many students would take lengthy trips during spring break rather than temporary jobs like now. OC2-10-5
(A) break rather than temporary jobs like now
(B) break instead of temporary jobs like now
(C) break; now they take temporary jobs
(D) break; instead, students are taking temporary jobs
(E) break, but now it is temporary jobs
为什么选C .我觉得原句没错啊. 是不是like now的用法出错?
6月5 号 就要考试了!
求各位大牛大牛解释啊 .
第一句哦,我觉得你理解错了,是应该是···condition necessary for/the enjoyment of medieval literature.不关那个词组的事.
第二句哦,我记得好像far away from从来不会一起出现的吧,要不是far from要不是away from
第三句哦,那个opposite在我认为是修饰东西的,就是你可以说你穿的衣服啊,或者品味啊,或者什么东西啊,是与另一个相反的,而不是这样说opposite to sb
第四句,太混乱了.他那样只能分成两句.他想表达的是学生以前春假的时候是选择长的旅行而不是现在的做兼职.想用would rather do than do sth.结果这样··,唉.