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英语阅读It was a very foggy day in London.Mr Smith had arrived f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 05:26:09
It was a very foggy day in London.Mr Smith had arrived from Edinburgh to go to a very important meeting,but no buses or taxis were running because the drivers were not able to see more than a yard in front of them.It was still early for his meeting,so he thought that he would walk to the office.But he saw that nobady was even trying to walk anywhere.
While he was standing there,saying unhappy things about the fog,and thinking that he would have to telephone to the office and say that he was not able to come,a young man came up to him and said,'Sir,if you want to go somewhere,I can guide you.'
Mr Smith was very surprised and could hardly believe his ears.He asked,'How can you find the way when there is thick fog everywhere?'
'Don't worry,sir,'answered the young man.'Believe me.'So Mr Smith told the young man where he wanted to go,and they started.They walked quite fast,turning corners and crossing roads in different places.
At last,Mr Smith thougut,'Perhaps this man is foolish,he would show me a wrong place.'But a minute later,the young man stopped and said,'Here is the place,sir.'Mr Smith was surprised to find that he had really reached the office.He gave the young man a pound and then said,'How did you find the way in the fog?''I am blind,sir,'answered the young man,'but I know London well,and it is exactly the same for me in the fog.'
1.What was the weather like that day?
2.Was Mr Smith going to ask for leave before the young man came up to him?
3.How much did Mr Smith pay for the young man's guide?
4.Why was the young man able to guide Mr Smith so well?
5.What do you thick of the blind young man?
2.Yes,he was.
3.A pound.
4.Because he knew London well .He was blind so bad weather or good weather was the same for him.
5.Kind or warm-hearted.