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The day my fiancé fell to his death, it started to snow, jus

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 11:43:16
The day my fiancé fell to his death, it started to snow, just like the bottom hadn’t fallen out of my world when he fell off the roof. His body, when I found it, was lightly covered with snow. It snowed almost every day for the next four months, while I sat on the couch and watched it pile up.
One morning, I shuffled(拖着脚步走) downstairs and was surprised to see a snowplow(扫雪机) clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman shoveling my walk. I dropped to my knees, crawled through the living room, and back upstairs so those good Samaritans would not see me. I was mortified . My first thought was, how would I ever repay them? I didn’t have the strength to brush my hair, let alone shovel someone’s walk.
Before Jon’s death, I took pride in the fact that I rarely asked for help or favors. I defined myself by my competence and independence. How could I respect myself if all I did was sit on the couch everyday and watch the snow fall?
Learning how to receive the love and support that came my way wasn’t easy. Friends cooked for me and I cried because I couldn’t even help them set the table. “I’m not usually this lazy,” I swept. Finally, my friend Kathy sat down with me and said, “Mary, cooking for you is not a burden. It makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”
Over and over, I heard similar words of comfort from the people who supported me during those dark days. One very wise man told me, “You are not doing nothing. Being fully open to your grief may be the hardest work you will ever do.”
In many ways I have changed for the better. I have been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom that comes from facing one’s worst fear and walking away whole.
小题1:What made the author feel sad?
A.Her fiancé’s sudden death. B.Constant heavy snow.
C.Her fiancé abandoning her. D.Her job being refused again.
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “mortified” in Paragraph 1?
A.Surprised. B.Angry. C.Ashamed. D.Moved.
小题3:It is _______ that helped the author out of darkness.
A.herself B.her friends C.her fiancé D.a snowplow
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The author was a capable and independent woman.
B.The author was so lazy that she wouldn’t shovel the walk.
C.Finally the author got through hardest work bravely.
D.When facing the worst fear, you will get strength.
小题5:What’s the author’s purpose in the passage?
A.To talk about her hardest work in her life.
B.To talk about her real love between her and her fiancé.
C.To tell us to walk out of hardest work confidently and bravely.
D.To tell us the importance of friendship.
