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英语翻译China has in recent years had an increasing openness to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:00:35
China has in recent years had an increasing openness to and integrationwith the world economy.As a big emerging market the country attracts multinationalcompanies as both the size and rapid growth of the consumer market provides opportunitiesfor the companies to grow and expand substantially.It is mostly the South andEast areas of China that drive this economic development as the livingstandards in these areas are steadily approaching the levels of many westerncountries (Cui and Liu,2000).In the urban areas the increase of income hasallowed for the consumer market’s substantial expansion making it a majormarket for a wide range of goods; including more sophisticated goods such as importedcosmetics (Dow Jones Factiva,2010).
Furthermore,the importance of the Chinese market cannot be neglected asforeign direct investments (FDI) have been pouring in,making China the largestrecipient of FDI amongst developing countries since the mid-1990’s (UnitedNations Conference on Trade and Development,2007).This promising growth hascaused many global companies to establish themselves in China.However,when foreigncompanies enter a market with different language and culture some issues arebound to arise.The problem for global companies that do not adapt theirmarketing according to each country is that they might end up communicatingdifferent messages across the various countries because of linguistic and culturalbarriers.But even in the case where adaptation is made the messages that the companiestry to convey may not correspond to their intentions and this can possiblyresult in unwanted implications.For the Chinese market it may be of importanceto translate the brand name.For example the Coca Cola brand name contained theword “wax” when first entering the Chinese market in 1928.As they chose not totranslate their brand name it was translated by local shopkeepers instead.Thetranslations followed the English pronunciation but one character often used gavethe unflattering connotation of wax (Alon,Littrell and Chan,2009).Subsequently Coca Cola took control of its Chinese brand name,andactively chose to translate it using characters that both added positivemeanings and matched the pronunciation of the English brand name (Zhang andSchmitt,2001).Once a brand name is translated it may still be hard to knowexactly which messages are being perceived by the Chinese customers due tofundamental differences between English and Chinese.The big differencesbetween written Chinese and English allows for additional product benefits tobe added to the Chinese brand names (Lee and Ang,2003).But the issue is stillwhether international companies fully understand all the extra meanings thatmay have been added to their brand names unintentionally,and how the intended messagesmight have become distorted or lost during the translation process.
公司作为大小和消费市场的快速增长提供了机会,为公司发展和扩大大增.这主要是中国的南部和东部地区,推动这一经济发展在这些领域的生活水平正在稳步接近西方许多国家(崔,刘,2000)的水平.在市区收入的增加已经允许消费市场的大幅扩张使其成为一个主要市场的商品种类繁多,包括更先进的产品,如进口化妆品(道琼斯Factiva公司,2010) .
此外,中国市场的重要性不能被忽视,因为外国直接投资( FDI)已经涌入,使得中国的外国直接投资自1990年代中期(联合国贸易与发展,2007年)最大的受援国发展中国家之间.这个有前途的增长已经引起许多全球性公司建立自己在中国.然而,当外国公司进入一个市场,不同的语言和文化的一些问题是必然会发生的.全球企业根据每个国家不调整自己的营销问题是,他们最终可能会因为语言和文化的障碍跨越不同国家通信不同的消息.但即使在适应由的情况下,该companiestry传达的消息可能不符合他们的意图,这都不可能导致不必要的影响.对于中国市场它可能是很重要的翻译品牌.例如,可口可乐的品牌名称中包含单词“蜡”当第一次进入中国市场,1928年.因为他们选择了不翻译他们的品牌它被翻译由当地店主代替.翻译遵循的英语发音,但一个字经常被用来给蜡(阿龙,Littrell也和陈,2009)的直言不讳的内涵.后来可口可乐把其中国名牌的控制,并积极选择使用这两个附加的积极意义的字符进行翻译和匹配的英文品牌名称(张和施密特,2001)的发音.一旦一个品牌被翻译它可能仍然是很难确切地知道哪些消息是由于英语和中国人之间的根本差异察觉到中国客户.中国文字与英文之间的巨大差异使得更多的产品利益TOBE加入中国名牌(李和Ang ,2003 ) .但问题仍然是无论是国际企业充分了解所有可能已被添加到其品牌无意额外的含义,以及如何预期的消息可能已被扭曲或在翻译过程中丢失.