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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 01:07:06
1)think vt.认为、相信,与consider和believe 同义,主动语态常用 think +宾语+宾语补足语或think + that clause
The book is thought (to be) quite useful for the beginners of English.人们认为这本书对英语初学者很有用.
I don't think money the most important.我认为钱不是最重要的东西.
We all think him a clever boy.我们都认为他是个聪明的孩子.
2)think well of对……印象很好”.其近义词有think highly of,speak highly of.如:
He spoke highly of our city.他对我市评价很高.
3)think可与 about/of/over等介词或副词构成短语
Everyone is thinking about/of (想着) our bright future.
I hope you will think it over.(仔细考虑)
I can't think of (想起) his name at the moment.