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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:42:30
(2)引导感性消费.长久以来,传统营销把消费者看成理智购买决策者,事实上,很多人的购买行为是感性的,他们对消费行为很大程度上受感性支配,他们并非非常理性地分析、评价、最后决定购买.也会存在幻想,有对感情、欢乐等心理方面的追求,特定的环境下,也会有冲动.正如伯恩德•H•施密特所指出的那样:“体验式营销人员应该明白,顾客同时受感性和理性的支配.也即是说,顾客因理智和因为一时冲动而做出购买的几率是一样的.”这也是体验式营销的基本出发点.因此,企业要考虑消费者的情感需要,应当“晓之以理,动之以情”. (3)顾客主动参与.体验营销为顾客提供机会参与产品或服务的设计,甚至让其作为主角去完成产品或服务的生产和消费过程.企业只提供场景和必要的产品或服务,让顾客亲自体验消费过程的每一个细节.消费者的“主动参与”是体验营销的根本所在,这是区别于“商品营销”和“服务营销”的最显著的特征.离开了消费者的主动性,所有的“体验”都是不可能产生并被消费者自己消费的.
(2)Guidance perception expense. For long, the traditional marketing regards as the consumer the reason purchase policy-maker, in fact, many person's purchase behaviors are perceptual, they receive the perceptual control to a great extent to the consumer behavior, their by no means unusual rationally analysis, appraisal, decide finally purchase. Also will have the fantasy, will have to the sentiment, happily and so on psychological aspect pursues, under specific environment, also will have the impulsion. Just like primary kindness H Schmidt pointed out such: “the experience type marketing personnel should understand, at the same time customer perception and rational control. Also because even if customer reason and, because impulses makes the purchase the probability is for a while same.”This is also the experience type marketing basic starting point. Therefore, the enterprise needs to consider that consumer's emotion need, must “educate with reason, moves it by the sentiment”.
(3)The customer participation on own initiative. The experience marketing provides the opportunity participation product or the service design for the customer, even lets it complete the product or the service production and the expense process as the lead. The enterprise only provides the scene and the essential product or the service, lets the customer experience the expense process personally each detail. The consumer “the initiative participation” is experiences the marketing the basis to be, this is distinguishes “the commodity marketing” and “the service marketing” the most remarkable characteristic. Left consumer's initiative, all “the experience” is impossible to produce and is expended by consumer.