作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 13:42:38
写出下列动词的各种形式。 动词原形 词义 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式 be buy come cry destroy do eat enjoy finish get give go have leave lie meet play put read run say see send shop spend swim take talk travel write 请老师详细讲解! 谢谢!
解题思路: 写出下列动词的各种形式。
动词原形 词义 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式
be 是 is being was/ were
buy 买 buys buying bought
come 来 comes coming came
cry 哭 cries crying cried
destroy 破坏 destroys destroying destroyed
do 做 does doing did
eat 吃 eats eating ate
enjoy 喜欢, 欣赏enjoys enjoying enjoyed
finish 完成 finishes finishing finished
get 得到 gets getting got
give 给予gives giving gave
go 去 goes going went
have 有has having had
leave 离开leaves leaving left
lie 位于;躺lies lying lay
meet 碰到;会面meets meeting met
play 玩耍plays playing played
put 放置puts putting put
read 读reads reading read
run 跑runs running ran
say 说says saying said
see 看见sees seeing saw
send 送给,传,寄sends sending sent
shop 购物shops shopping shopped

spend 花费,浪费,度过spends spending spent
swim 游泳swims swimming swam
take 拿,取. 修(课程),花费,记录takes taking took
talk 说话,谈话,讨论talks talking talked
travel 旅行,传播travels travelling travelled

write 写writes writing wrote
