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请问foam at the mouth 用英语怎么解释?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 03:26:33
请问foam at the mouth 用英语怎么解释?
1. 非常愤怒
foaly 怀驹的...foam at the mouth 非常愤怒...foam rubber 海绵乳胶

2. 口吐白沫(也是指气疯了)
- That new company is a real fly-by-night operation.foam at the mouth口吐白沫(也是指气疯了)
3. 大怒;气得口沫四溅;气得吹胡子瞪眼睛
We fought tooth and nail to get the new wing of the hospital opened.42. foam at the mouth 大怒;气得口沫四溅;气得吹胡子瞪眼睛.The girl's father was so angry that he was 4. 暴怒;愤怒
词组:foam at the mouth...foam at the mouth 暴怒;愤怒...例句: John was foaming at the mouth. I've never seen anyone so angry.
再问: 请用英语详细解释一下,急求,,,,谢啦。
再答: 这还不够详细呀 Meaning Display furious rage. Origin Dogs and other animals affected by rabies foam at the mouth. There are examples of forms of this phrase in Old and Middle English that date back to at least the first millennium. The Lindisfarne Gospels, 950 AD, have a reference to 'Spumat faeme'. The earliest version in a form that we can now readily understand is in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, 1601: " He [Caesar] fell down in the market-place, and foamed at mouth, and was speechless."
再问: 用英语对这个词的详细解释啊,他不懂中文的。你是举的一个例子吧。。
再答: 英语对这个词的详细解释就是 display furious rage 例子 The girl's father was so angry that he was foaming at the mouth. 女孩儿的父亲生气极了,气得吹胡子瞪眼睛