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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 07:00:33
A Sleepless Night
Dirctor: 赖姵吟
Writers: 赖姵吟,陈韦伶
丈夫: 谢宜吟 小偷: 李依姗 神经女郎: 李玉婷 医护人员: 赖名音 道具人: 叶歆铃 妻子: 郑亦真 警察: 林维莹 警护人员: 罗亿如 失踪儿童: 叶诗妤 道具人: 林欣愉
一个丈夫在婚姻中究竟要担负什麼责任呢?而社会又会造成什 麼压力呢?面对老婆的无理取闹,小偷的半夜袭击,神经女郎的性骚扰, 以及失踪儿童事件,下班後往往是一天折磨的开始!隐藏在社会层面中 的问题,一个小人物的无奈,四个同时发生在一个夜晚的故事.
Theme: In the Society, what a family today usually encountes? Working ? Marrige? Crazy Woman? Crime? Missing Children?.
Scene I
W: (H 从幕後走出来)Hi! Honey! today? Is it all right? H: Mummm~ So so! W: It sounds not too bad! Then, I thnk you should have time to know one thing! This morning I. Welcome home! How are you
H: Oh! Sweety! I am a little tired! Can youwait a moment? I want to take a shower first. Can youhold the water for me? W: But, honey, this thing is important. it first. I want to let you know
H: Please just wait, sweety! You have a soft heart, don't you? So please let me take a shower first. W: Oh, alright! (噘起嘴走出去) H: (扯下领带,丢开公事包,颓废的坐在床上)I have a lot of work to do in the day, and after work, I have a sensitive wife to deal with. Today really isn't my day! Life is filled with so much pressure that I can even find no time to take a good rest. Why do I have to do so much work? I have already done lots of work early(按摩脖子). So tired! (昏 昏欲睡) W: Honey! It's okay! You can take a bath now. After taking a bath, I want to tell you something. W: (看著 H 睡,睡愕不已)(音乐:命运交响曲 5 秒)What's wrong? Who can tell me the reason? W: (跑到老公身旁,用力摇醒他)Honey! Honey! Wake up! Wake up! (用力拍脸颊)How can you sleep so sound? The water is reay! And I have something important to tell you. H: Oh! Sweety, what happened? (神智不清)
W: (忽然变得很温柔,一反之前暴力)Honey! You can take a bath now. Before taking a bath can you. H: The water is ready? 後) Ok, I go to take a bath now.(走入幕
W: (很错愕,看著老公走远) H: (水声)(在幕後换衣服)Why is he always so tired every day? Life is so easy. And see, it is full of pleasure. can't wait to show it to honey.(现自己的衣服) W: Honey! I have something to tell~ I
H: Sweety~Tomorrow morning I have to attend an important meeting. Please wake me up at five o'clock. W: Ok! But, honey, are you going to bed now? I have lots of thing to tell you and most important of all.
H: Oh~Sweety, please say it tomorrow. now. (盖好棉被) W: (大喊)Honey! You don't love me! 床底下拿出行李)
I want to go to bed I'm leaving you. (从
H: (阻止 W)Sweety~Why don't I love you? W: Really? Ok! Say you love me!
H: (勉为其难)I...I...I...I...love you! W: Louder! I can't hear what you're saying. say it once more. H: (扳过老婆身体,看著他的眼睛)I.LOVE.YOU. W: (花痴貌)Oh~Honey~I love you, too.(音效) H: Now, sweety! Can we sleep?(打哈欠) I want you to
W: Ok!(两人躺下去).Wait!(惊坐起)Sweety~I have something to tell you! H: Oh!(打额头一下,无可奈何)What's that? W: (从床下拿起衣服)Honey! Look! Is it beautiful? (在身 上比试) I like it so much: this morning Mrs. Wang and I went shopping. I spent much itme finding it. H: Mummm~it's pretty good. W: (表现受夸的喜悦) H: Just wait, how much did you pay for this dress? W: It's cheap! It's "only" two hundred thousand dollars? isn't expensive, right? It
H: What? Only two hundred thousand dollars? I make twenty thousand dollares a month! But youbut the clothes easily! W: But, Mrs. Wang spent more money than me. I just.
H: I don't want to listen to your reason. This is your fault. You shouldn't spend money this way. W: Honey! You're so fierce! You don't love me anymore! leaving you. You don't love me! H: (沉下怒气)Sweety! you? W: Ok! Be reasonable. I'm
How couldn't I love
Say you love me!
H: I just said it! W: Wu~Wu~I want to make sure one more time. You don't want to say you love me? You. H: Ok! Ok! (看著w)I.LOVE.YOU.(音效) W: Oh, honey! I love you, too.
H: Now, go to bed. W: Ok! Let's go to bed!(两人隔空相亲)
Scene 2
T: What a wonderful night it is! There are no policemen. Mummm~(踮起脚间四处走)I can do what I want. (四处游走)(突然砰一声(音效)小偷跌倒了) T: (紧张四处看)(deep sigh) No one finds me! my business! Now, I can start
T: (从原地滚到床边,翻箱倒柜)(拿出内衣)Oh~underwear, this is great!(放进包包)(继续滚到另一边)(新衣服也偷,忽然警察出 现) P: Don't move.(此时,H,W,醒了) T: (小偷起先呆住,後来马上拔腿就跑,P,T 绕室而跑,跳过床) P: You, stop! Don't run! Stop running.!(重复) There's a police
H,W: Ya~There's a thief. man. (警察跳过)
W: Honey! What happened? running in our home?
Why are a policeman and a thief
H: I don't know, either.(继续尖叫) (最後小偷被抓到了) P: I catch you. T: Please set me free. I have to raise parents, a wife, and five children. I steal things just for living. P: Living? And you steeal these underwears for your living? It is my hobby. Just for fun. You know.
T: Not at all!
P: Stop it! Don't explain. (走向夫妇向他们解释)
What you are saying is in vain.
W: he is a thief. H: He is a policeman. W: He tried to steal my underwears. H: And this happened in our house(警察和小偷回幕後) W: How could this happen? H: I'm not sure if I know. W: I'm so afraid. (靠过去) I dare not sleep. H: Don't worry. H.W: (隔空 kiss) (灯光在暗下来,走出一个妖艳的女郎) C: Ok, I'll be there. You'll be ok. Ah~ yes, ok! Deal! Hey, what aobut tomorrow night? Mumm~ ok, I"ll call candy to check up my schedule, and maybe we can.Oh, darlin, I cna't wait to make a great relationship with you.in business? Yeah, in business. Ok, ok, see you tomorrwo.(挂掉电话) C: Oh, honey, here are are! Where have you been? Oh, I miss you so much! Why don't you cal me? I've been waiting for you day and night. Mumm~ kiss me! (大跳艳舞,对 H 上下其 手,此时 H,W 已经醒了,呈呆滞状态) W: Honey! Tell me who the woman is? is our home our room. H: I don't know! Why is she here? This I'll protect you.
What are you?(向女郎问) Don't
C: Who am I? I'm your sweetheart and you're my honey. you remember? W: "Honey!" What do you say?
H: I have no idea. W: I'm leaving you. You.
H: Hey, hey, ehy listen to me.(走向 W) C: Oh, honey. (抓 H)
D: Hey you! This crazy woman. us. You can't be here. You should come back with
(H.W 退到一旁,抱著跑一圈)
C: FBI, freeze. Put your hands on your head. silent. And all you say will be. (此时,医生已经抓住女郎, 女郎挣扎) C: Hey! Hey! I'm just kidding, I'm not FBI. I'm Demmi More.I'm Sharon Stone. I'm Rose.I'm the king of the world. You cna keep
D: Whoever you are, you should stay in the hosipital, remember? Be a good girl. W: Sweety~She is a nut. H: Yeah! She is a nut.
H: Do you still want to leave? W: No. Of course not. I love you. Let's go to bed.
H: Thank you .
I indeed need a sound sleep.(隔空 kiss) (走出一个小女孩)
G: Wu~Wu~Wu~Dad! Mom! Where are you? I can't find you. I'm alone. I'm afraid stay. (四处走) G: (走到床边)Daddy, Mommy, here you are. I dare not sleep by myself. I want to sleep with you. (摇醒 H.W.) H: Oh! Okay! Okay!(边睡边说,有些不耐烦)
G: (爬上床睡去) H.W: (惊醒, 忽看对方, 在看看 G) H: Sweety~do we have a child? W: It seems not! H: Then.who is she? W: I don't know, either. Anyway, she is not a thief, nor a crazy woman. She's just a missing child. G: (做起来微笑)Daddy, Mommy. W: (笑笑摸摸头)Good girl.
H: Oh, no.It's morning!
G.W: Have a good day!
The End