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英语翻译1.2 Aids to InterpretationIn these Terms and Conditions

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 20:15:10
1.2 Aids to Interpretation
In these Terms and Conditions and in the Contract Details,unless the contrary intention appears;
(a) words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa;
(b) a reference to any one of an individual,corporation,partnership,joint venture,association,authority,trust or government includes (as the context requires) any other of them;
(c) the headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
(d) a reference to any instrument (such as a deed,agreement or document) is to that instrument (or,if required by the context,to a part of it) as amended,notated,substituted or supplemented at any time and from time to time;
(e) a reference to a Party is a reference to a party to the Agreement and includes that Party’s executors,administrators,successors and permitted assigns;
(f) a reference to a clause or attachment is to a clause (including sub-clause,paragraph,sub-paragraph or further subdivision of a clause) or attachment of or to these Terms and Conditions;
(g) a reference to any legislation or legislative provision includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of,or substitution for,and any subordinate legislation under,that legislation or legislative provision;
(h) where an expression is defined,another part of speech or grammatical form of that expression has a corresponding meaning;
(i) a reference to “US$” or “US Dollars” is a reference to the currency of the United States of America.
(j) Including and similar expressions are not and must not be treated as words of limitation.
( a )的话指的奇异包括复数,反之亦然;
( b )提及的任何一个个人,公司,合伙,合营,协会,主管部门或政府的信任,包括(视上下文要求)任何其他人;
( d )一个参考的任何文书(如契约,协议或文件) ,是该文书的(或者,如果所要求的背景下,一个它的一部分)修订, notated ,取代或补充,在任何时间,从不时;
( e )一个参考一党是一个参考,以协议的当事方和包括党的执行者,管理者,继承人和允许的受让人;
( f )一个参考的条款或附件,是一条第(包括子第,段,分段或进一步细分的一个条款) ,或扣押,或这些条款和条件;
( g )一提到任何立法或立法条文包括任何法定修改或重新制定的,或替代,以及任何附属法例下,即立法或立法条文;
( h )在1表达的定义是,另一部分言论或语法形式的表达有一个相应的意义;
( j )条,包括类似的用语是不应该不会被视为字的限制.