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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 13:49:50
The concept of today's homes, when compared to thoes from before, are getting more and more different.
Many of my friends, myself included, all have our own houses. They are not small, but there are no man live in these homes. Or, you can say we don't have men who we spend every day together. I don't know if you can call this a family.
I have a girlfriend, who is a capable woman and busying around all over the world: Shanghai, New York, Italy. Though she would return to her home in Beijing once in a while, she still gets the feeling of staying in a hotel.
Another girlfriend is very homely and more mild. She has a dog by herself, and that little puppy has been following her every since its birth. Now it is eight years old, and I'm sure it thinks she is the mom, and listens to her every word. This girlfriend has also got used to chatting to her dog every day, taking it for a walk. One thing she is most afraid of is, if she has to leave her house for whatever reason, such as out of town, what she would do about the dog at home? She will have to ask someone to her home and not change the daily schedule of the dog, so it would not get unused to. She once sent the dog to a pet store. But after seeing their careless attitude, she felt heartache. So, eventually, she would rather be hard on herslef, but not let her dog suffer.
This is a woman who has gone through a lot when she was young and in love. There is a saying that you sould be thankful to those men who have hurt women emotionally, because they made the weak women stronger and independent. For her, the emotional destiny has become something casual. If it comes, it's certainly good; but if not, she can still have a great life alone by herself. She can even take care of another life, as long as her dog needs her, she will not be the loneliest one in the world. Although her family still long for love and awaits for fulfillment, it is complete.
Compared to theirs, my home is more often used. I live in the eastside, by boyfriend westside. Sometimes he would take an hour and drive here, then in the morning he would return to work in the westside. When he is here, the atmosphere at home would get warm, and many home appliances would also start operating, which is a contrast to an ordinary day when it is quiet. We often say that even in the future when we live together every day, we don't need a kid, as long as we love each other, as long as we are filial towards both of our parents.
In my family, we only need the model of 4-2, instead of 4-2-1. Without that little tail of "1", maybe we will have more time invested in our feelings.
英语翻译家的概念和以前相比,越来越不一样了.我的好几个女朋友包括我,自己都有房子,而且不算小,可房间里没有男人,或者说没 都是水何必装纯这是俺前女朋友前几天说的,呵呵,我笑了,我说,对不起:我是纯净水!越来越觉得她和以前不一样,离开她真的是上 我和她是同事、以前关系很好,如果关系僵了她都找我和好、而且很关心我感情生活.前段时间我骗她说我有女朋友了,她就问我女朋友 做了个梦,梦到地震,梦见突然地震了,周围的房子再倒,可我和我爸妈住的没有倒,而且我好想看到别的房子倒掉了还挺兴奋,可突然 问个比较深奥的问题,是不是男人一般都很色啊?而且爱和女朋友说些带色的话题,比如说,我说我想他了. 他说,想我哪?我说,哪 我房间有个插座烧坏了,对房子里面的别的插座有没有影响,对房子的电有没有影响的, 我刚接触了个男孩子,他说很喜欢我,是认真的,让我做他女朋友,而且我也有点喜欢他,只是还没接受 英语翻译1.我们现在住在乡下的一栋漂亮的房子里,要是姐姐来了,她就可以和我们一起住2.这栋现代化的房子有好几个大房间,屋 她是我同事,其实我和她以前关系很好,以前每次关系不好了,她都主动找我和好,问我有没有女朋友,喜欢什么样的女孩子,我如果说 昨天晚上我梦到我自己偷了别人的玉而且是好几块 其中有一块是个动物而且是籽料的 这女人很奇怪,其实我和她以前关系很好的,以前关系僵了,她都主动找我和好,问我有没有女朋友,喜欢什么样的女孩子,现在她和她 关于将来的问题以前一个人的时候还没感觉到,现在谈了女朋友后,房子什么的压力都来了,我该怎么弄呢感觉好累啊~有时候都想,哎