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英语翻译What does it feel like to break a bone (骨头)?It’ s differ

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 04:00:39
What does it feel like to break a bone (骨头)?It’ s different for everyone,but the pain is often sha rp (严重).If the break is small,however,the pers on may not feel much pain at all.If you think that you or someone else has broken a bone,the most im portant things to do are to stay calm,make the hur t person comfortable,and call the doctor.Do not m ove the injured body part since movement could ma ke it worse.To treat the break,the doctor will nee d to take an X-ray.This gives the doctor the infor mation he or she needs to set (接上) the bone:to put it back to its normal place.If the bone is large or it is broken in more than one place,the doctor may need to use metal pins (钢钉) to set it.After the bone has been set,the next step is usually putt ing on a cast,the special,hard thing that will keep the bone in place for a month or two.Your bones are excellent at healing themselves.Broken bones will produce many new cells (细胞) and tiny blood vess els (血脉).These cover both ends of the broken pa rt,and close up the break until the bone is as whol e and strong as before.