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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 13:45:46
cene, I suddenly feel that our life is so happy: have love my dad and mom, big house, school have the car shuttle...... Because the living conditions are good, so I do not develop the bad habit of saving food. Every meal will lose many of the cooked rice, do not eat do not mind, father and mother criticized me, I also find a lot of reasons to quibble. Thought of here, I feel very ashamed, I really should not! From now on, I must get rid of the disadvantages, saving every grain of rice, don't waste! 日省一把米,月节一斤粮。凡事贵在坚持,节约从点滴做起。 Day, a handful of rice, the month festival a jin of grain. Everything Guizaijianchi, savings from the start bit by bit. 小伙伴们,让我们积极行动起来,尽自己的一分力量,从小养成节约的好习惯。吃饭时吃多少盛多少,不乱扔剩饭菜;在餐馆用餐时点菜要适量,不浪费、不摆阔,若有剩余的要打包带回家。 Friends, let us take action, make a strength of their own, to form the good habit of saving from. Eat how much to eat much, do not throw the leftovers; in the restaurant to order to right amount, do not waste, not ostentatious and extravagant, if there is to be packaged to take home the remaining. 联合国把每年的10月16日定为世界粮食日,就是要我们把节约变为自觉、成为习惯。 The United Nations October 16th each year as world food day, is that we should save becomes self-conscious, become a habit. 节约是美德,节约是责任。同学们让我们一起携起手来,节 Saving is a virtue, is a responsibility. Students, let us join hands together, festival 约身边的每一滴油、每一粒粮,这样我们的生活才会变得更加富有,我们的祖国才会变得更加繁荣昌盛! About every drop of oil, every grain of grain, so that our life will be richer, our motherland will become more thriving and prosperous! [结束 ]