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could you possibly finish the work by noon?这句话could 和possibl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 16:11:10
could you possibly finish the work by noon?这句话could 和possibly意思不重了吗
could 常和possibly 连用,注意这个现象就是
He could possibly ask you the question.
再问: 可是could 和 possibly都表示可能啊,意思不重吗
再答: 因为中常用词义重叠方式表强调, 再如: His heart and soul is still on the playground This is my aim and purpose.
再问: 那这句话中could表示推测么,还是表示可以,能够的意思啊
再答: 表“可能性” 等于: Is it possible for you to finish the work by noon?
再问: 可是我觉得翻译成能够也可以啊,我分不清是表示推测还是别的意思
再答: 是可以! 这主要看语境, 上下文了。 孤立看这一句, 你理解为“可能性”, 或是表能力的“能够”都讲得通