作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

6.My sister told me to ___ and leave her alone as she was in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 22:24:41
6.My sister told me to ___ and leave her alone as she was in a bad
6.My sister told me to ___ and leave her alone as she was in a bad mood.
A.pull back B.lead off C.kick off D.get out
7.She is such a busybody.She likes to ___ into other people's affairs.
A.break the ice B.have a finger in the pie C.put her best foot forward D.thrust her nose
8.Look at this chandelier .It is brilliant as the ____.
A.stars B.sun C.moon D.dawn
9.Jason is at the ___ brushing his horse's mane.
A.pen B.lair C.hutch D.stable
10.Matthew is such a ___.He is always seen buried in a book.
A.hypocrite B.busybody C.bookworm D.bully
A.pull back 撤退 B.lead off 开始 C.kick off 开始干某事 D.get out 离开,出去
A.break the ice打破僵局 B.have a finger in the pie干预,参与(尤指好管闲事)
C.put her best foot forward急速行动 D.thrust her nose 干涉
chandelier 吊灯
A.stars 星星 B.sun 太阳 C.moon 月亮 D.dawn 黎明
brushing his horse's mane 给他的马刷鬃毛
A.pen 围栏 B.lair 巢穴 C.hutch 笼 D.stable 马厩
A.hypocrite 伪君子 B.busybody 好管闲事的人 C.bookworm 书呆子 D.bully 流氓;恶棍