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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:01:25
Thinking pattern existing differences
Culture affects people outside the view of the thing and understanding,different countries have different culture,so in thinking pattern that there must be in the things difference particularly between cultures.The thinking mode of western culture,and pays attention to logic and analysis the thinking mode of Oriental culture exhibited intuition wholeness,it is Chinese traditional culture thinking characteristics.Due to the influence of the traditional culture,the Chinese often pay special attention to the intuition,pay attention to in the process of cognition,experience and feeling in a relationship with this experience and often also feel to "by".Compared with western thinking mode of the thinking mode,the Chinese have obvious general sex and fuzziness,as time passes,can form a kind of thinking,can explain for recognition and simplifying the classification of things outside perception process.Essentially,thinking often ignores individual difference,exaggerated things a social group with other related cognitive attitudes,often emotional color,and accompanied by fixed creed.In all the rut,some stereotype is correct,but some are wrong,it will directly affect intercultural communication,cause communication error.
2.2 behavior standards each are not identical
Specific meaning norms of behavior refers to the commonly acceptable by society moral standard and code of conduct,and simple says,is to tell people what to do and not to do what a standard.The people with different cultural backgrounds,often appear in the communication of a phenomenon is applying in social codes of conduct itself to determine the rationality of other behavior,because the two sides codes of conduct different,often misleading,unhappy or even worse results.For example the Chinese pat young children head says a friendly,but in western countries,this is a highly respected child practice,parents will have very angry.Say so in cross-cultural communication is able to correctly identify and use of behavioral norms is to guarantee the smooth intercultural communication the important factors.To guarantee the smooth intercultural communication,we must understand each other's behavior standards,especially what behavior is banned,the best way is to follow the principle of do as the Romans do.
英语翻译思维模式存在差异文化会影响人们对外界事物的看法和认识,不同的国家存在不同的文化,因此在思维模式方面必然存在差异, 英语翻译2.1思维模式存在差异文化会影响人们对外界事物的看法和认识,不同的国家存在不同的文化,因此在思维模式方面必然存在 英语翻译文化会影响人们对外界事物的看法和认识,不同的国家存在不同的文化,因此在思维模式方面必然存在差异,这一点在东西文化 英语翻译1>文化会影响人们对外界事物的看法和认识,不同的国家存在不同的文化,因此在思维模式方面必然存在差异,这一点在东西 英语翻译不同的国家存在着不同的文化,因此在婚俗文化方面必然存在差异,这一点在中西方文化之间表现的尤为明显.拒绝机器! 3、 中国不同国家的文化之间存在着一定的差异,如何看待这些差异? 英语翻译要说起文化的差异,我觉得应该先从饮食文化说起,因为“民以食为天”,它能够反映不同民族生活习惯和文化思维方面的差异 由于不同的国家有不同的历史和文化背景,礼仪文化也存在很大差异.翻译成英文.. 英语翻译英汉两语分别属于不同的语系.两者在运用、语法特征、句子结构甚至思维、表达习惯等很多方面都存在很大差异. 英语翻译由于不同民族的文化背景不同,在跨文化的言语交际中,颜色词的不同含义和用法难免会导致文化冲突.存在差异的原因主要有 由于中美文化背景与思维方式的不同,导致语言行为的不同,使面子观存在差异 英语翻译 英语翻译东西方思维方式差异的原因东西方人在思维方式上存在的差异,其根源是什么呢?在这里我们可以借鉴美国著名文化心理学家尼