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英语翻译In the society where all the people都在奋斗着.似乎财富这个词就意味着艰辛的奋

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 11:54:49
In the society where all the people都在奋斗着.似乎财富这个词就意味着艰辛的奋斗,以及比别人付出更多的汗水.所以现在的人们都在不停的忙碌、忙碌、忙碌.正因为此,人们往往会忽略就在我们身边的,我们已经拥有了的幸福和财富.In my opinion,不需要羡慕,也不需要怀疑,我们需要做的只是opening our eyes and heart.我们要知道我们的内心真正需要的是什么,而不是盲目的去追求所谓的财富和幸福.正所谓the most suitable one is the best one.
Questions added:In the society where all the people are struggling.Seems to be the word wealth means a hard struggle,and pay more sweat than others.So now,people are constantly busy,busy,busy.Because of this,people tend to ignore in our side,we already have the happiness and wealth.In my opinion,don't need to envy,also don't need to doubt,we need to do is opening our eyes and heart.We want to know what our hearts really need is,rather than blindly to pursue the so-called wealth and happiness.Is the most suitable one is the best one.