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英语 用所给词的适当形式填空专练

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 10:49:55
英语 用所给词的适当形式填空专练
4.The boy ____(name) Sun Lei has already finished_____(write) his composition.
He____(hard) in his exercises--book in a moment.
5.It took me two hours _____(thinnk) of a good may ____(deal) with the problem.
6.my teacher ,Mr Wu,_____(teach) Engilsh for more than 25 years.
9.When I ___(go) into the classroom,the students___(read) Engilsh aloud.
10.The____between China and Britain in the way of eating is great.(different)11.England is a _____country.(most)
12.The ____of these stamps will come here to disouss their value.(collect)
13.Jack is hobby is ____(teach) match boxes.So far he___(collect) more than two hundred match boxes.
14.Thank you very much for__(teach) how to sing this wondful song.
15.I am really tired beause I ____(clean) the house ever since this morning.
16.Mr smith would love ___(give) a speech about how ____(collect) snow globes.
19.Do you think it is polite_____(eat) from each other is plate in Britain?
24.My bike was broken.So I had it____yesterday.(repair)
28.I am sorry to keep you____(wait).
33.Look!What a nice time they ____(have)!
35.I usually fiy kites in the park when it is____(wind).
4 named writing
5 to think to deal
6 has teached
9 went were reading
10 difference
11 题目完整吗?
12 collection
13 teaching has collected
14 teaching
15 was cleaning
16 to give to collect
19 to eat
24 repaired
28 waiting
33 have
35 windy
学习英语应该多读课文和单词 读得多了 语感就来啦 做这些类的题目就会如鱼得水了 加油!
再问: 第6题为什么是teached呢
再答: 错了 应该是 has teached 这道题考的有语法知识 翻译就是: 他已经教了25年
再问: 那33题能否讲一下
再问: 那33题能否讲一下
再答: 33 题是感叹句的一般形式 。用一般陈述句的说法是 They are having a nice time .