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英语翻译1 george被公认为优秀的青年钢琴家,但他的成功并非一日之功.(recognize)2 虽然他的同学在智力上

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 11:29:19
1 george被公认为优秀的青年钢琴家,但他的成功并非一日之功.(recognize)
2 虽然他的同学在智力上胜过他,但Mike相信勤能补拙.(superior)
3 谁将替代该俱乐部主席的位置还有待于讨论.(subsitute discuss)
4 随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起来越来越重要的作用.(role)
5 我期待能在我的生日晚会上见到你.(look forward to)
6 虚度年华的人将一事无成.(waste)
7 我刚刚开始干活就发现拿错了工具.(Hardly)
8 与过去相比,我们现在的生活条件大大改善了.(compare)
1 george被公认为优秀的青年钢琴家,但他的成功并非一日之功.(recognize)
George was recognized as an excellent young pianist,but Rome wasn't built in a day.
2 虽然他的同学在智力上胜过他,但Mike相信勤能补拙.(superior)
Althought his other students are superior to him in intelligence ,but Mike has a faith that (diligence is the means by which one makes up for one's dullness)可以换一句短的
3 谁将替代该俱乐部主席的位置还有待于讨论.(subsitute discuss)
Who will subsititute the position of the club chairman leaves much to be discussed
4 随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起来越来越重要的作用.(role)
With the steady development of our economy,China plays a more and more important role in the international affairs.
5 我期待能在我的生日晚会上见到你.(look forward to)
I am looking forward to seeing you at my birthday party.
6 虚度年华的人将一事无成.(waste)
Man will acheive nothing if he waste his precious time.
7 我刚刚开始干活就发现拿错了工具.(Hardly)
Hardly I was about to start my work when I found myself holding a wrong tool.
8 与过去相比,我们现在的生活条件大大改善了.(compare)
Comparing to the past ,our lifestyle has been improved greatly.