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初中英语作文 假如你叫李雷.毕业在即,请你根据提示给你老师(miss zhao)写一封信

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 17:14:39
初中英语作文 假如你叫李雷.毕业在即,请你根据提示给你老师(miss zhao)写一封信
假如你叫李雷.毕业在即,请你根据提示给你老师(miss zhao)写一封信
Miss Zhao:
I will graduate in this Summer. It is memorable three years we spend together. All the things in this classroom will bring me back to the little things we enjoy together. I very appreciate the help and guide you give to me when I don't know how to do.
Perhaps, you have already forgotten, since it was only one of the millions you have done to us. But I will remember it forever. During that period, I was absorbed into computer game. I always fell asleep during class and my grade was decreasing. You always use your own time to help me, to study together with me. You never blame for anything. But I learned that I need to study hard for your help.
It is a good time in may life and I will cherish it forever. There is only one thing I want you to know before I finish. Take care of your health and I will always miss you.
Yours Lilei
初中英语作文 假如你叫李雷.毕业在即,请你根据提示给你老师(miss zhao)写一封信 初三英语作文假如你叫李磊.毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语老师(Miss Zhao)写一封信表达感激之情;回忆印象至 假如你叫李华.毕业在即,请你根据以下内容提示,给你的英语老师王老师写一封信 英语作文:假如你叫李雷,毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语老师Misszhao写一封信.1.表达感激之情2回忆 假如你叫李梅,毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你英语老师(Miss Lin)写一封信. 内容:1.表达感激之情... 写英语作文假如你是李雷,毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语赵老师写一份信.1 表达感激之悟2回忆给你印象最深的一件事, 写英语作文假如你是李雷,毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语赵老师写一份信。1 表达感激之悟2回忆给你印象最深的一件事, 一篇英语作文:假如你是吴芳或李明,即将初中毕业,请你是用以下提示给你的老师Miss Yao写一封信 感谢老师的英语作文假如你叫李雷,毕业在即.三年来,教过你的老师很多,他们给过你很多帮助,请你给期中一位老师写信.回忆印象 根据提示,写一篇英文作文:假如你是Jenny,请你根据下面的提示,给你的好朋友Maria写一封信,告诉他你的烦恼.提示: 假如你叫李华,请你根据提示给你的笔友写封信 提建议 英语作文假如你是李梅.这学期,你们班换了一个新英语老师(Miss Scott).请你根据下面的提示.给老师写一封