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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:08:46
Do you have a teacher? You may say“Yes.” Everyone has his teacher. You have, he has, and so do I. In my mind I'll never forget her-my first English teacher.
We have many teachers in our school, some of them old and some of them young. Among these teachers, there is one whom I particularly like and respect.she is Mis. Wu, and young woman of 28.she seems to know everything and she teaches well.
She is not tall,but she has two big eyes.Her voice sounds beautiful and she speaks English very well.She is very humorous, and she always teaches us in an interesting way. Sometimes she plays with us. She's very kind. She likes singing and collecting posters.She is good at playing the piano.
In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.She likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.
This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much. Oh, I forgot to tell you that she teaches at Yiyuan high School.
have in mind the teachers
Get into university, a long time ago. 大学的学习也逐渐地适应了.Gradually adapt to a university study. 步入一个新的阶段,新的环境,这其中由不适应到适应.Entered a new stage and new environment, which is not suited to meet them by. 记得刚上大学时,上课总是不能专心听讲,因为还不习惯,不适应新老师的缘故吧!I recall that university, the school is not always pay attention to the lectures, because it was not customary, the reason incompatible with the new teacher!
记得有一段时间的高数课,无论是哪个时间段的课,同学们都不怎么认真听讲,刚开始老师并不怎么理会,继续讲课,只是偶尔太吵就稍停顿一下,到后来讲话声越来越大.I remember a period of several high-class, which is the course of time, not how the students listened to the lectures. beginning teachers do not care about how to continue to give lectures, but occasionally it is too noisy on a little pause, and later speech is growing. 老师终于忍不住了,还没讲完课就停下来了`,她没有大骂我们,只是沉默着看着我们.Teacher, could not and had not finished the `lessons stopped, she accused us of not only silence with us. 等教室里静静地完全没有任何声音了,她才平静地说:“不想听讲也可以,但怎么还要讲话,如果谁还想讲话,就直接出去,以后再也不用来听课,直接去考试.”说完,她的表情立刻变得很严肃.There is no other classroom quietly voice, she calmly said : "I can not speak, but also how speech Anyone who would like to speech directly out later didn not used directly to the examination. "finished She immediately becomes a very serious expression. 尔后,她继续讲课.After that, she will continue to give lectures. 那堂课的后半段,我想每个人都听得很仔细.That the second half of the class, I think everyone listens very carefully.
在我还没有进大学时,常听人说大学里的老师很少与学生沟通,多半只顾自讲自的,特别是老师(有的老师)讲完一堂课了都没看过在坐的学生一眼.I have not yet entered university, I often heard it said that university teachers seldom communicate with their students, since most just talking. particularly teachers (and some teachers) finished sit in a class of students who have not read the eye. 啊……听着听着,感觉那样是课上着多没有意思!Ah…… woman, I feel such a class is no more! 但自从上完上次的高数课后,同学们的热情都很高,比别的任何课程都仔细.But since the last End on the high number of after-school, the students are very enthusiastic than any other course in detail. 她的课讲的很好.She said the lesson well. 她的表情时而严肃,时而温和,还常带着微笑.She faces sometimes serious, sometimes moderate, often with a smile.
我们的高数老师,就是这样的一位老师.Our high number of teachers is one of the teachers. 她长得一般,但经常会有甜甜的笑.She can grow normally, but often have Tiantian laugh. 她对我们并不是很严格,只是要我们上课要认真听课.She told us it is not very strict, but we didn school should seriously. 偶尔有学生在课堂上睡觉.Occasionally students in the classroom sleeping. 她也会笑着开玩笑说:“第一节课和第四节课睡觉可以理解,因为前者呢,刚刚才吃了早饭,要适应一段时间才能进入状态.后者呢,肚子饿了,要补充能量,没精神很容易趴在桌子上.”弄得我们常说:理解学生者,高数老师也.She will smile, jokingly said : "The first course sleeping and IV classes is understandable, because the former? just eating breakfast, it is necessary to adapt some time before they enter the state. the latter case, the hungry, to add energy the spirit is not easy to lay on the table. "we had often said : understanding students, the high number of teachers.
一位好老师,可以带动起学生上课的兴趣,也能节约学生很多课后自习时间(因为课堂里他们总是能保证学生都听懂了).A good teacher can stimulate student interest in school. Students can also save a lot of time after school classes (because they always classroom to ensure that students are able to understand). 我们的高数老师,就是这么一位老师.Our high number of teachers is as a teacher.
常听说,爱屋及乌.Often heard it said that love me. 也许吧!Perhaps! 记得曾经有过的一次学生讨论会,什么样的老师是你心目中的好老师?Remember there was a student discussion, what kind of teacher is a good teacher you had in mind? 学生们的答案各种各样.The answer to various students. 最后评出来的是:教学态度好,教书有方,人物形象好,字迹清晰、漂亮,声音洪亮.The final attitude is : teaching, teaching, strong characters, her clear, beautiful voice loud and clear. 很荣幸的是,高数老师很适合以上那种学生心目中的好老师.Very honored that such a high number of teachers are very suitable for students over the eyes of good teachers. 不仅字写得好,声音很响亮,八十多个人的课堂,在她不用扩音器时在最后一排也听得很清楚.Is not only a well-written character, and his voice is very loud, over 80 individual classroom, In loudspeakers when she also heard very clearly in the last row.
原以为大学里的老师都是很无趣的,但高数老师的出现,改变了我心目中老师的形象——那种上就来,下课就走的完成任务式教学的教师形象.Thought that university teachers are very boring, but the emergence of a high number of teachers. changed my mind on the kind of teacher -- the image to complete the task of teaching the class and left the image of teachers. 只是现在,高数课早已上完了,连当初最调皮的学生都感叹:高数课真有趣,高数老师真好!It is just that now, a few classes already on the high end, even when the most mischievous students are upset really interesting : the high number of classes, the high number of teachers!
我心目中的老师,就是这样一个老师,一个与学生同乐,与人为善的老师.I have in mind the teacher is a teacher, a music student, and offer good teachers. 她不曾骂过一个学生,都能使最调皮的学生从行为上服从她,从心里佩服她.She scolded a student not able to make the most unruly behavior from students to obey her, admire her from the bottom of their hearts.
君子之风,存之于心,付之于行,美则在其中!Gentlemanly style of survival in mind and comes to visit, in which the United States!