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英语翻译人家没悬赏的都有回答 为毛我的没有啊啊 悬赏现在不够 满意加到100为了研究高中生应激生活事件与应付方式的相关关

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:27:48
人家没悬赏的都有回答 为毛我的没有啊啊 悬赏现在不够 满意加到100
In order to study the relationship between the behaviors of senior high school students towards daily events and their manners of doing it, as well as to probe the variations in character traits, subject performance of them, the research paper carries out a survey on daily events and coping manners of youth by means of quantitative broadsheet and questionnaires involving data acquired from 223 senior high school students.
The results reveal the following aspects, firstly, in the survey of senior high school daily events, students from rural areas suffer more from study pressure and punishment compared with students from urban areas, and boys take more pressure and citicism compared with girls; secondly, in the research regarding coping manners, the only child behave more rationally than students with siblings; thirdly, the study shows a positive correlation between human relationships in senior high school life and the quantities of problem solutions. On the other side, there is a negative correlation between the human relationships, problem solutions and the following behaviors such as study pressure, selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization. And there is a prevalent negative correlation among the following aspects, study pressure and selfaccusation, evasion, rationalization; punishment and selfaccusation, evasion, rationalization; loss and selfaccusation; healthy adjustment and selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization. And there is a positive correlation between problem solution and others, and a negative one between selfaccusation, fantasy, evasion, rationalization and others. (本段中文意思不太理解“其它”不知所指的是什么,指代关系似乎不明确)
再问: 麻烦亲在帮帮我  大人的大恩大德本人感激不尽啊 急求急求啊~~~
再答: 不客气,好的,这下明白多了。6."Others" refers to love, study attitude, punishment from parents and so on.
再问: 目前还有两个问题:1、专业术语,例如:生活事件life event 应付方式 coping style 2、没有标序号 还没看完 等等回来继续看 谢谢亲
再答: 生活事件:important daily events; major life experience, significant changes in life, once-in-a-life events, 应对方式:coping manners; dealing style;coping style, way of coping, coping mode/mechanism, 仅供参考,欢迎指正