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英语翻译如果是百度翻译什么的就不要来了,来了也绝对不会给分的.在线等求尽快回复,Paragraph 1:In a sep

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:52:33
Paragraph 1:
In a separate line of researchthe emphasis has been on the performance of family
firms,with particular emphasison the relationship between planning and performance.
Studies show that good planningis a key to the success of FBs (Aram & Cowen,1990;
Frishkoff,1994) and is a majorcontributor to their profitability (Knight,1993).Simply
engaging in a long-termplanning process is beneficial to these firms as it leads to an
improved understanding of the business (Lyles et al.,1993).

英文呢? 再答: 没英文啊。。。
再问: Paragraph 1: 在一个以家族企业的表现为单独系列的研究里,特别强调规划和表现之间的关系。研究表明好的规划是FBs经纪公司成功的关键(Aram &Cowen, 1990;Frishkoff, 1994)和公司盈利的主要贡献者(Knight,1993).颇有吸引力的是一个长期规划过程有利于他们的公司,因为它会提高他们对业务的理解
再答: 没什么大问题,就是主要贡献者改成主要贡献因素会更好,因为指的是good planning嘛~
再问: 可以帮我看一下剩下两段吗,谢谢您的建议,我已经修改了
再答: 抱歉,之前一直不在……