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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/07/08 05:10:24
反对的人觉得 现在的学生因为学习压力已经大大缩短体育锻炼时间了,再不提倡体育运动学生的体质就会越来越差。另外长跑对身 心都有好处,还可以培养顽强意志。、
再问: 很多学校取消了运动会长跑,赞同的认为学校是从学生安全考虑,每年学生体能测试结果都不太理想,长跑对学生体质是个巨大挑战,另外很多学生平时也不会特意去长跑锻炼,长跑很危险。 反对的觉得 现在的学生因为学习压力已经缩短体育锻炼时间了,再不提倡体育运动学生的体质就会越差。另外长跑对身心都有好处,还培养顽强意志。
再答: Nowadays, many students would be asking the same question, is that our fault to be considered weaker than before? Schools are always working on how to increase the graduation rate, some of them are so strict that they put the heavier and heavier loads on student's shoulder. Homework, various of test, ability raising class, frequent and repeating practice, which are killing the free will and their youth. It is definitely that students do not adequate time and chance to be embaking on sports. Many schools are concerned to protect students from potential risk of sport by cancelling the long-distance running item. People have various reactions for this change. It is certain that long-distance running is a big challenge for students, we also have no doubt that the coeficient of physical heath of students is much worse than before, but schools should not use this excuse to murder the already few chance of sports. Students need to survive in this society and this world, nobody should make choices for them, it is all up to themselves. Specially the whole society should support that by listening to them. Pal, may this can help you~