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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 09:29:46
The ecological environment of the Chinese white dolphins in the shallow shore habitat for many places,they rarely swim deep.it will conduct a variety of activities in different places :rest or play,they would gather near the beach in the Gulf; Predation and when they will be found in shallow water and rocky areas (Saayman & Tayler,1979).Chinese white dolphin will be living with the tide and the tide of the time :Here is the chatter of their prey,Time is the most frequent activity at dusk and dawn.Chinese white dolphin brief ecological habits to protect dolphins and more pictures response echoes GPS positioning system on dolphin feeding.evade the enemy and communicate with peers.It is the sound part of the forehead (LAI),as the organ to receive sound in its mandible.Food is mainly preying on the Chinese white dolphins living in the Gulf small animals.For example :fish,squid,krill and so on.Chinese white dolphin will swim beaches born,they need to make the scales level swing,the body would be able to push forward,This movement known as "dolphin jump" to turn and balance the body or body stretched out the surface,it is necessary to use other fins.Dolphin group activities like group activities.Usually in groups,and some two activities together.Stomatal respiratory breathing with the Chinese white dolphin,porosity in the head,a direct link between the lungs.In swimming dolphins can make rapid breathing.Preliminary diving,dolphin exposed to the air so that the whole lung full of gas; And the surface,Stomatal exhaled from the lungs will be forced remaining air.The warm,wet gas from the lungs rapidly condenses into small droplets of water will form our common water column.Return History dolphins mammals.Dolphins need one year before she can give birth to female dolphins.The young mother had dolphins in the development of basic integrity.And other land mammals is that the Chinese white dolphin birth,the tail is the same as other cetaceans out first.This can avoid drowning dolphins,and,after the birth of dolphins,the male dolphins will help it take the first puff of air travel on the surface.The newborn dolphins,weighing about 10 kg,about 90 centimeters to breast feed.Health and the Chinese White Dolphin is usually only a one-child,breast-feeding for six months.Dolphin up to the age of 50.
中华白海豚的栖息地多为岸边水深较浅的地方,它们很少游出深海,而且会在不同的地方进行不同的活动:休息或游玩时,它们会聚集在靠近沙滩的海湾;而捕食的时候,它们会出现在浅水及多岩石的地方 (Saayman & Tayler,1979).