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英语翻译One major source of institutional change has been fundam

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:18:34
One major source of institutional change has been fundamental changes in relative
prices (see North and Thomas,1973 for illustration) but another has been changes in
preferences.I know of no way to explain the demise of slavery in the nineteenth century
in an interest group model.The growing abhorrence on the part of civilized human beings
of one person owning another not only spawned the anti-slavery movements but through
the institutional mechanism of voting resulted in its elimination.It is not that interest
groups did not use the abolitionist movement to further their interests.They did.But the
success of the interest groups entailed the ideological support of the voter.The voter paid
only the price of going to the polls to express his conviction and the slave owner had no
feasible way to bribe or pay off voters to prevent them from expressing their beliefs.
Institutions make ideas matter.
The agent of change is the entrepreneur--political or economic.So far I have left
organizations and their entrepreneurs out of the analysis and the definition of institutions
has focused on the rules of the game rather than the players.Left out has been the
purposive activity of human beings to achieve objectives which in turn result in altering
constraints.Organizations consist of firms,trade unions,political parties,regulatory
agencies,churches,and so forth.Organizations and learning alter outcomes,but how?
More than half a century ago Coase (1937) argued that transaction costs are the
basis for the existence of the firm.That is,if information and enforcement were costless,
it is hard to envision a significant role for organization.What is it about transaction costs
that leads to organization?The answers have ranged from the firm being a form of
exploitation (Marglin,1974),to a response to asset specificity (Williamson,1975,1985,) to
a response to measurement costs (Barzel,1982).Whatever the merits of these
alternatives (and they are not altogether mutually exclusive),they all focus on the trees but
not the forest.Organizations are a response to the institutional structure of societies,and,
as they evolve,may alter that institutional structure.
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