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英语翻译Secondly,谦虚是里根总统留给世界人名最深的印象.再一次演说上他说了这么一句话:“Heroes may n

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:10:50
Secondly,谦虚是里根总统留给世界人名最深的印象.再一次演说上他说了这么一句话:“Heroes may not be braver than anyone else.They're just braver five minutes longer.”他从不自比美国英雄,虽然美国从来都是最推崇个人英雄主意的国家,他认为自己并没有做出很多伟大的成就,只是为了自己的国家做了一些力所能及的事.在八十年代,冷战的阴影依然笼罩着全世界,苏联这个全球最大的共产主义国家把美国当成假想敌大肆发展军事力量,谦虚的里根总统则是采取了韬光养晦的做法,最终拖垮了苏联.世界人民感谢他对世界和平所作出的杰出贡献.In additionally,里根总统在个人生活上也是一个谦虚,亲和的人.他的妻子在他的自传上告诉读者:“他从来不爱吵架,每次都会自我总结和认错.”身为一个超级大国的领袖,他有足够的能力自满.但她却没有,他时刻保持着一颗谦虚的心,用真诚来感动美国人民,用卓越的成绩体现他是一个杰出的领导人.After all,谦虚是成功的必要前提,也是每个人应该学习的精神品质
Secondly, a modest president is the most impressive touch of the world people to President Reagon. He once said in a speech, "Heroes maynot be braver than anyone else. They're just braver five minutes longer." He never compared himself to the American heroes, though his country worships individualism in the history. He never thought he had done giant achievement but done some possible things for his country in his effort. In 1980s, the world was shadowed in the Cold War and Soviet, the largest communist country in globe, predicated America as the imaginery enemy and boomed its military power. But Reagon hide his capicities and bid the time and the Soviet collapsed with time. The world people all thank him for his effort to the world peace. In additionally, president Reagon is a modest and gentle man in life. His wife mentioned in her autobiography, "He never quarrelled, but made analysis and admited his mistakes." As the leader of a superpower, president Regon was fully entitled to be contented, but he kept his modesty and moved the American people with his honesty, proved to be an outstanding leader with his achievement. After all, modesty is the prerequisite of success and the good virtue should be learnt by each of us.