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英语翻译1 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议(Thank...)2 与其浪费时间打游戏,还不如多看书(It)3 向父母

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:09:29
1 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议(Thank...)2 与其浪费时间打游戏,还不如多看书(It)3 向父母表达感激而不是抱怨是成熟的一个标志(maturity)4 任何想让台湾独立的人必将以失败告终(end up)5 当我们到达山顶,一个清澈碧蓝的湖泊映入我们的眼帘(catch)6 你是在发现我们现在购物方式与二十年前完全不同了(differ)7 他从不满足于从书本何老师身上所到的知识(gain)8 他很少听从别人的建议总是我行我素(seldom)9 只有通过实践才能使你的驾驶技术得到进步,并且最终通过考试(Only)10 当我们觉得自己所从事的工作有意义有价值,就不在乎赚的多少了(how much)
1. Thank you for offering me us for many useful suggestiongs.
2. It is better to read more books rather than waste time playing games.
3. It is a symble of maturity to express thanks to parents instead of complaining.
4. Anyone who wants to make Taiwan independence will end up failure
5. When we reached the top of the mountain, a clear blue lake caught our eyes.
6. You find our shopping ways differ from what it used to be 20 years ago.
7. He is never content with the knowledge gained from books and teachers.
8. He seldom listens to others' advice and always does things in his own way.
9. Only by practice can you make your driving skills gain progress and pass the exam.
10. When we find that the work that we do is meanful and valuable, we don't care much about how much we gain