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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:57:32
The reason why smiling (微笑)/ laughing (大笑)is better than crying.
再问: 两种都可以
再答: No one likes people who just cry all day long with no reason. It is not just because they find it annoying, but it also tells them that you have no ability to deal with your own problems. Smiling gives people the first impression that you are optimistic and probably a good problem solver. When you can't get help, who else can you rely on other than yourself? Lastly, even if you're crying because you feel bad for another person, a smile of encouragement will be a much better option for him. 没有人喜欢整天没理由哭的人。不只是因为他们觉得烦,而也是因为这意味着你无法解决自己的问题。 微笑个人的第一印象是:你乐观,且说不定是个很会解决问题的人。你无法得到帮助时,自己除外还能依赖谁?最后,就算你是同情别人而哭,一个鼓励的微笑对他来说是你更好的选择。
再问: 能再多点吗?如果不行,只要大幅下就好。
再答: 是吗?那我就之前的论点再加几句看看吧。 There is a Chinese saying "You can hide, but you can't hide forever." When you face a problem and you choose to cry, you are not solving anything, so you're hiding. And if you're addicted to this attitude, you're sad everytime something hard comes. You will then become melancholic, and then physically sick. Try smiling, it actually does not just give people the impression you're a problem solver, you also become one after you face everything positively. 中国有句话:“躲得了一时,躲不了一世。”你面对问题选择哭,你什么都没解决,你就在躲。当你对这态度上瘾,你遇到难题就难过。你就会变忧郁,就会病。试试看笑吧,其实并不只给别人你是个问题解决者的印象,在你正面面对事情后,你也会成为那样的人。