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书面表达.上星期你过的怎么样 使用英语把其中一间开心或伤心的写下来 .六年级水平就行了,不少于8句话

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 09:16:25
书面表达.上星期你过的怎么样 使用英语把其中一间开心或伤心的写下来 .六年级水平就行了,不少于8句话
Last Sunday, I and my father and mother went to the park to play , I was very happy, I had not go out to play with my parents for a long time.We went to the lake by boat, we also took a lot of photos, then mom said it is was very late,so we must go home.This day I was really very happy. I hope I can go out like this every week 上个星期天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去公园玩了,我很开心,很久没有和爸爸妈妈一块出去了.
再问: 挺不错的。就是能不能再贴近生活点....适合小学生的
再答: 哦,我觉得这个比较贴近生活了吧。小孩子不是都会周末去玩的吗?
再问: 我六年级,基本我写的作文...开心的原因是考到了好成绩。能围绕着这个话题写吗
再答: 哦,可是你知道明天周一了哦,我们也要上课了,我的作业也没做完呢,你先看看这个可不可以,你现在也可以自己想想,能写上多少就写多少,到时候我给你改,这样又快,然后你又学到了好不好?
再问: I am happy.because i got a ketten. 主题就这样..因为我上一篇就是写成绩的..不能再写了。请你帮帮我。尽量单词用的不要太深
再答: I am very happy today, because the I did well on the test yesterday, my teacher praised me, she saide I made a big progress. When I tell my mom and dad this good news , they were very happy,too,they always praised me, my mother also did a lot of delicious food for me. I am very happy I must study hard to have a good result in test 我今天很开心,因为昨天的考试我考得很好,老师还表扬了我,说我的进步很大。当我把试卷拿回家给爸爸妈妈看的时候,他们也很开心,一直表扬我,妈妈还给我做了好多好吃的。我以后一定要努力学习,每次考试都要都个好成绩。 看一下这个吧.