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英语翻译Types of Audit OpinionsOnce an audit is complete,the aud

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 06:07:15
Types of Audit Opinions
Once an audit is complete,the auditors present their conclusions in an audit report,which includes an audit opinion.There are three basic types of audit opinions,with variations.
An unqualified opinion,despite its negative-sounding name,is the best that auditors can give.It means that auditor believes the financial statements are in compliance with GAAP without qualification,reservation,or exception.
The most negative report that an auditor can issue is an adverse opinion.This means that something(s) in the financial statements is (are)not in compliance with GAAP and the auditors think these things would be material to the average prudent investor.T he auditor’s report explain the unacceptable accounting practice(s) t hat resulted in the adverse opinion’s being issued.Adverse opinions are very rare.To avoid receiving an adverse opinion,a company usually corrects the accounting issue that concerns the auditors.
A qualified opinion falls between an unqualified and an adverse opinion.A qualified opinion means that for the most part,the company’s financial statements are in compliance with GAAP,but the auditors have reservations about something in the statements or have some other reason not to give a fully unqualified opinion.At least an entire chapter could be written about reasons to issue qualified opinions,but typically they result from the auditors’ need to bring special attention to some accounting attribute in the financial statement.A qualified opinion usually does not imply a serious accounting problem,but user should read the auditors’ report and draw their own conclusions about the relevance of the issues involved.The auditors’ report will explain why a qualified opinion is being issued.
If an auditor is unable to perform the audit procedures necessary to determine whether the statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP,the auditor cannot issues an opinion on the financial statements.Instead,the auditor issues a disclaimer.A disclaimer is neither negative nor positive; it simply means that the auditor is unable to obtain enough information to confirm compliance or noncompliance with GAAP.
It is very important to understand that the ultimate responsibility for the financial statements rests with the executives of the reporting company.Just like auditors,managers can be sued by investors who believes that hey lost money due to improper financial reporting.This is one reason why non accounting businesspeople should understand accounting fundamentals.
最负面的报告,核数师,可问题是一个不利的舆论.这意味着,一些( s )在财务报表是(是)不会在遵守公认会计原则与核数师认为,这些东西将材料的平均审慎的投资者.他吨的核数师报告,解释不能接受的会计实务( )笔的帽子,造成的不利舆论的发出.不利的意见是非常罕见的.为了避免接收不良的意见,一家公司通常更正的会计问题的关注,核数师.