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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:56:13
In 1972,Bill Gates was a teenage teenager,he would have boasted about what one can do,to 20 years to become a millionaire.Although he did not fully achieve this objective.But after only 15 years,he has become a billionaire.By the year 1992,as President of Microsoft company,he became the richest person in the world.Bill Gates was born in October 1956 in Seattle,Washington,with his father and mother named William.Gates,as he is one particularly energetic,intelligent child.At the age of nine,he finished the world encyclopedia of knowledge.His favorite subjects at school are math and science
纯机器翻译,一个一个词的对应,当然语法不对啦.我给你修改一下把., When Bill Gates was in his teenage, he boasted In 1972 that he would become a millionaire. Although he did not fully achieve his goal. But only 15 years after that he had become a billionaire. By the year of 1992, he,as President of Microsoft company, became the richest of the world. Bill Gates was born in October 1956 in Seattle, Washington, named William after his father and mother. Gates, as he is particularly energetic and intelligent, , he had read the world encyclopedia of knowledge at the age of nine. His favorite subjects at school are math and science
英语翻译1972年,比尔盖茨还是一位十几岁的少年时,他就夸下海口,到20岁要成为百万富翁.尽管他没有完全实现这个目标.但 英语翻译:尽管我们在实现我们的目标当面有困难,但我们还是会继续努力的. 英语翻译比尔盖茨出生于1955年10月28日.他从小就很聪明,想成为一名科学家.他与1973年进入哈佛大学.他和他的朋友 英语翻译 尽管父母要他成为医生,但他决定从事教书工作.(make up one’s mind) 1998年某人的岁数正好是他出生年份的数字之和,问这个人2012年时几岁 英语翻译1、当他到达十八楼时,他就气喘吁吁了.(out of breath) 2、尽管他多次失败,但最终他的发明成功了. 用英语翻译“他的目标是成为一名科学家” 明明到2008年为止,只过了两个生日,但他不是2岁,他出生在哪一年的几月几日?他今年几岁了, 3句英语翻译啊1尽管他是一个穷孩子,但他的举止行为像个大人 2虽然我很努力,但还是没能说服他 3尽管任务很难,他还是完成 英语翻译.尽管他失败好几次,但他没有灰心 2.虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状 3.我的邻居要我出去散步,但 比尔盖茨的名言警句或有关比尔盖茨的事例.不知道就至少要写出他的事例 《金岳霖先生》是著名作家汪曽祺的散文,金岳霖是一位逻辑学家,他在十几岁时就说过:“金钱如粪土,朋友值千金.”你知道这句话