作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:06:57
1.简爱对里德太太说:i do not deceive people!if i told lies,i would say i loved you!but i don't,i hate you!i will never call you aunt again as long as i live.
"i am happy,jane”helen continued.
"you mustn't cry.by dying young,i'll avoid suffering.i am going to heaven.'
"does heaven really exist?'jane asked.
"yes,i'm sure of it.i'm sure our souls go there when we die,'she answered firmly.
"will i see you again ,helen,when i die?'
"yes,you will to to heaven too,jane.'
”are you hurt,sir?can i do anthing?'jane asked.
"just stand back.'(好简短的回答,好深刻的印像.这就是罗切斯特.)
4.没时间了,我要去看日语了,今天的功课还没完成呢,这真是的是我喜欢的话题,i have to go!