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英语翻译Consultative:Theleader makes the decision with regard to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 19:51:54
Consultative:Theleader makes the decision with regard to the well-being of subordinates andbusiness when it comes to problem solving and decision making.
Persuasive:The leadermakes the decision and try to persuade subordinates about why certain decisionis important for the organisation.
Democratic:The leaderlistens to what the subordinate has to say before the leader come up with thebest decision.
Laissez-faire:Theleader have little involvement in the task,the leader givestheir subordinates complete freedom to work for the job in any way they want.
ManagementBy Walking Around:The leader listens and coordinateswith other people involved in the organisationand to its subordinates.The leader allows employees to make decisions andoffer suggestions in times of crisis or when there’s potential threatsto the employee’s operation.
Paternalistic:The leadermakes the decision and takes into consideration the well-being of itssubordinates.The leader makes sure they have a safe and rewarding environment.
AsianPaternalistic:The leader makes the decision and thinksthrough the best interest of both employees and its consumers.