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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 03:16:12

     Many people believe that French people are very different from Americans.This is certainly true where
eating habits are concerned (有关的)!According to a report by the World Health Organization (世卫组织),
each year French people eat four times more better than Americans.In addition,they eat more vegetables,
potatoes,grain and fish.Yet,despite (不管) the fact that they eat larger amounts of these foods,the French
take in about the same number of calories each day as Americans.French and American men consume (消耗)
about 2,500 calories each day on average.French and American women take in about 1,600 calories daily.
      How can this be?If the French are eating more of certain types of foods,shouldn't this add up to more
calories?And why are so few French people overweight compared to Americans?The answer is that
 Americans consume 18 times more refined (精制的) sugar than the French,and drink twice as much
whole milk!
      Although many Americans believe the French end up each meal with gooey (胶粘的) desserts,this just
isn't so.Except for special occasions,dessert in a typical French home consists of fresh fruit or cheese.
Many American families,on the other hand,like to end their meals with a bowl or two of ice cream or another
sweet treat.
1.Name six types of foods that French people eat more of each year than Americans.
2.How many calories does the average Frenchman consume each day?
3.How much whole milk does the average French person drink compared to the average Americans?
4.How much more refined sugar do Americans eat than the French?
5.What do French families usually eat for dessert?
1.Fresh fruit,cheese,potatoes,fish,vegetables and grain.
2.2,500 calories.
3.Half as much.
4.18 times.
5.Fresh fruits and cheese.