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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 02:19:27
The practice detail of visiting wharf
The company mainly use Chenglingji wharf as the unloading location. Chenglingji wharf is one of the eight deepwater wharfs along the yangtze river. There are 12 berthes there, but types of goods loading and unloading are different. The goods are grain, passengers/bulk cargo, heavy lift, general cargo, coal, oil, etc. Two of the 12 berthes are 5000 tonner for foreign trade. It can berth two 5000 tonner vessels at the same time. The wharf is fully equiped with loading and unloading equipment. The maximum lifting capacity is 50 tons. Behind the wharf, there is a warehouse with an area of 28000 square meters. There is also a store space of 70000 square meters. The wharf owns also a special railroad about 7.5 kilometers long. The marshalling station serving the wharf has a capacity of handling 5 million tons goods per annum and connects the North the wharf and the North Yueyang railway station. It has 8 transport vessels with the transportation capacity of 6800 tons. The wharf's throughput capacity is 2.8 million tons and 75 thousand standard containers.

英语翻译(4)参观码头情况的实习细节:公司进口货物主要的卸货港为城陵矶港.城陵矶港是长江八大深水港之一,码头现有泊位12 在一个码头,有三艘货船等待卸货.由于人力有限,只能一艘一艘地卸货.卸完甲船的货物要用10小时,卸完乙船的货物要用6小时, 在一个码头,有三艘货船等待卸货.由于人力有限,只能一艘一艘地卸货.卸完甲的货物要用10小时,卸完乙的货物用6小时,卸完丙 英语翻译第一部分,在“泊位资源配置”模型构建中以船舶在泊时间最短为目标,建立了动态泊位资源分配的整数规划模型,运用码头实 1,一条货船在河中航行,到码头将货物卸下后,河水对船底压强大小的变化情况是( ) 在一个码头有三艘船等待卸货 只能一搜一搜的卸货 卸完甲要用10小时 乙要用6小时 丙要用七小时 要是三艘船等待时间总和最 某学校组织学生乘坐甲、乙两辆大客车到洋山深水港参观.已知联结临港新城和深水港的东海大桥全长32千米, (1)一轮船从甲码头到乙码头顺水航行,用了4小时;再从乙码头到甲码头逆水航行,用了5小时,已知水的流速是每小时6千米,求 码头有一批货物,用载重量为15吨的货车比用载重量为10吨的货车用少用6次.这批货物共有多少吨? 某码头货场现有甲种货物1530吨,乙种货物1150吨.安排永A,B两种不同的规格的集装箱共50个将这批货物运往外地.已知 出口货物我只知道从上海港走,但是上海码头那么多,我要怎么知道货物从哪个码头走的呢? 一艘船从甲码头到乙码头顺流用了2h,从乙码头返回甲码头用了2.5h,已知水的速度为3km/h,求甲乙码头的距离