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total profit 可数么?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 17:28:26
total profit 可数么?
the total profit surged substantially last year.
realized a total profit of 20 billion yuan laster.
realized an accumulative total profits of 10 million US dollars.
yielded 364.7 billion yuan in total profits.
total profit 到底是可数还是不可数?还是得分情况来判断可数不可数呢?
不好意思,不是在纠结到底profit是不是可数的问题,是很奇怪有的句子加s,有的句子不加s,为什么呢?什么情况下total profit加s什么时候不加啊?
例:He sold his house at a profit.
例:reading for profit and pleasure.
再问: 您的答案我看到过。也知道profit是可做=可数单词,想请问一下,这几个句子里为什么有的加s,有的不加s呢?
再答: profits of 10 million US dollars. in total profits这些表达的是复数概念profits of 10 million US dollars. 相当于10 million US dollars' profits, total profits在这里也是 当表达整体概念的时候用单数 如:bread and milk is good for breakfast the total profit , a total profit 都用了冠词定义整体性 ,