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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/14 01:27:58
1、按照双方签订的项目合作协议书的约定,项目实施期限为两年,意方为项目提供捐助款1000欧元(其中包括第一期项目未付款80欧元),每年为总数的50%.在项目执行的每一个年度里,项目款又分两次拨付,首次为70%,第二次为30%.现意方第一年第一次拨款为400欧元,我们推算,贵方是否是这样计算的:(1000欧元 ― 80欧元)÷2×70% = 40欧元(现收到的是41欧元,基本接近)?
Thank you for the work of our project support.I heard that you were the holidays approaching,I would like to wish you a happy holiday!`Second phase of the project,we have begun preliminary work.2nd period cooperation projects during the first call,because the Italian side to our side of the account to be wrong,until the banks received the Italian side corrections Account notice,we in the July 18,2007 received your side of 400 euros.But we right amount of specific formula for some of the less understood,and your side to make a communication.1,in accordance with the signing of the agreement of cooperation projects agreed,the project implementation period of two years,Italy donors for the project,1,000 euros (including the first phase of the project unpaid 80 euros),each of the total 50%.In the implementation of the project every year,the project was divided into two,the allocation,70% for the first time,for the second 30%.Italy is the first year of the first grant of 400 euros,we estimate that your side on this basis :(1,000 euros - 80 euros) = 2 × 70% = 40 euros (now received is 41 euros,close to)?If so,obviously the first phase of the project should pay 80 euros not included.Yes?If so,we hope you can allocate as soon as possible,as soon as we have a good end of a project finance.If not,ask your side,what is the basis of the allocation formula?2,the power company signed the Italian delegation to the second phase of the project cooperation agreement,its activities with fees From your side,the budget sheet perspective,the entire visit to Italy totaled 160 euros budget.Will your side,which paid the cost of 20 euros?We do this in several T accounts invoices please attach your side.3,replacing Ms.Lucy Bangalore,the President who has told us that the Yishabeila?Please contact her tell us okay?Hope to receive your reply.
英语翻译谢谢您对我方开展项目工作的支持.听说您们的假期快到了,预祝您假日愉快!`第二期项目我们已开始进行初步工作.第二期 英语翻译参与公司新项目的建立工作,制定新项目SOP.以项目特点为基础进行项目调研和市场调查工作,对项目情况进行实地考察, 英语翻译1、项目管理部部长:主持项目管理部全面工作,协助副总经理对公司所有平台项目的进度、质量、成本进行管理和监控.同时 什么叫“您的提问快到期了”?啥意思? 英语翻译非常感谢你对我们的支持!我方将全力配合!关于产品品质,我们会严格要求.随后我会发给您我们的详细报价!祝您愉快!非 英语翻译非常抱歉,一直没有跟您具体沟通项目的进程.由于中间和政府联络,调整规划出现了一些问题,我们的工作暂停了一段时间. 英语翻译感谢您对我们公司的支持与信赖!为了方便您对项目的了解,并为您解答非手术美容整形的疑问,欢迎您随时拨打我们的咨询热 项目管理学中,项目集成管理的主要工作是什么? 英语翻译,项目22是项目19的连带维修工作,维修工时可以减少一点、 英语翻译经验丰富,对工作认真负责,有项目管理经验,具备极强的团队合作精神. 英语翻译元旦节快到了,在开始新一年的工作之前,我为大家送上一个小小礼物,希望能对大家工作有一点点的帮助 英语翻译1.目前我正在进行该项目得调查工作,已取得了下列成绩.2.调查表明这类产品的市场正处于成长期翻译成英文