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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 14:25:41
The basic concepts and advantages ofpublic benefit animationsare expounded in this paper. Animation is characterized mainly with “hyperbole/exaggeration” and “imagination”. Forshort films of public benefit, it is easier to visually attract the attention of audience as expressed in the form of animation and to popularize apublic servicewith surprising effects and from a discriminative angle.
Abolishing the previous didactic manner in short films of public benefit, an excellentpublic benefitanimationsbring fresh and new impressions, guide people to a healthy, rational and active habits and attitudes towards life in a lively narrative way, improve people's morality with asubtle influenceon themand make them accept the ideas being publicized with an understanding smile. This is one of the major reasons why public benefit animations are becoming popular.
There are varioustechniques ofexpressionin public benefit animations; while the techniques of expression studied in this paper are mainly focused onstory contentandmodaleffects with domestic and international cases as well as my graduation creation.
Keywords: public benefit animation; technique of expression; hyperbole/exaggeration; story content; modal effect