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英语口语(急)1.education in china2.qualified college students3.imp

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 15:08:41
1.education in china
2.qualified college students
3.importance of mutual understanding
4.study for diploma or knowledge
5.present employment in china
6.internet and its impact
以上是口语话题,请各位人才帮忙找相关的片段!字数200-300字左右,Thank you very much!答得好绝对给分!
1. 中国教育:education in china
Education in the People's Republic of China is a state-run system of public education run by the Ministry of Education. All citizens must attend school for at least nine years. The government provides primary education for six years, starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18. Some provinces may have five years of primary school but four years for middle school. There are three years of middle school and three years of high school. The Ministry of Education reported a 99 percent attendance rate for primary school and an 80 percent rate for both primary and middle schools. In 1985, the government abolished tax-funded higher education, requiring university applicants to compete for scholarships based on academic ability. In the early 1980s the government allowed the establishment of the first private schools. The population has had on average only 6.2 years of schooling, but in 1986 the government set the goal of nine years of compulsory education for students by the year 2000.
2. 符合要求的大学生 qualified college students
Why don’t college-qualified students enroll in college?
A new report from the Institute for Higher Education Policy -Promise Lost: College-Qualified Students Who Don’t Enroll in College -explores why students who are academically qualified to attend college don’t enroll. Survey data from high school counselors and college-qualified students who choose not to go to college show that the reasons are primarily financial (e.g., the high cost of college, the perception that financial aid will be insufficient, the aversion to taking on debt or the need to work). The report also shows that students who choose not to pursue college make that choice very early in their education and don’t even take the initial steps that would make college a viable option (e.g., taking the SAT or ACT, filling out financial aid forms). One of the report’s recommendations (which supports Breakthrough’s program model) is to intervene early, preferably in middle school, to make sure students are aware of and knowledgeable about their college options.
3.互相理解的重要性 importance of mutual understanding
For making good trade with international customers there must be a mutual and firendly understanding between the byer and the seller. It is some times difficult, because of all the promesises which is been making from the seller - some just want to make a few dollars - and others is trying to establish a long term busines relations - and it very difficult to see, who is who.
So an effort must be done to secure the buyer - and the seller must be ready to compromise about payment for example recieving 50-60% of the amount - and when the buyer is satisfied, he can pay the rest. It is a matter of trust, which has to be build up - but it is very relevant - and the biggest task, is the cultural different and undertsanding between buyer and seller - here I think of Europeans buying fom China etc.
So something must be done to inform both parts on that subject, that there is a different in what seems to be the right solution in the busines between buyer and seller.
Henan province locates in the centre of China, it is a biggest agricultrue province accross the China, most of peasants' living condition is still unideal, so most youngsters leave their villages for making money in big cities, then formed the group of migrant workers.
Spring Festival holiday is the most precious occasion of reuniting with families. This year, bad weather condition could not cease the migrant worker's strong desire of coming back hometown to celebrate new year with their loved ones.
Usually, it would be the busiest season for medical staffs after spring festival, many migrant workers take such vacation to take medical examination.
Today was a busy day, the out-patient department hall as like a bustling wholesale market, although staffs were overworked, patients were still lining up at noon. Especially, at emergency center, transfusing patients and their escorts crowded all observation rooms, even the seats at passages are fully occupied. Needless to say, both doctors and nurses were backbreaking, no time for pouring a glass of water, even no time for toilet. However, no matter how many efforts they did, they still could not get some patients' understanding.
This morning time, a man lost his patience to scold a nurse furiously, because the nurse failed to puncture his little kid smoothly. even though, the poor girl had to continue her work with tears rolling in her eyes. For who dare to guarantee to successfully puncture invisible vein for such a little baby by one time? when we staff are required to understand the patient, we still need their undertanding too.
Harmonious society need all of us to contribute a little more mutual understanding, a little more kindness, a little more forgiveness.
4. 为学位还是知识而学习 study for diploma or knowledge
With the development of the society, more and more people enroll in the postgraduate examination for getting a high diploma. It is believed that high diploma equals to high ability and profound knowledge. Most companies are inclined to hire the people with high diploma. It seems that having high diploma means a better future.
However, is it really true that high diploma equals to high ability or profound knowledge? Some people do not agree on this kind of idea. They claim that ability or knowledge means more than diploma. Take Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft, for example, he does not have a MBA degree which is believed to play a vital role in the success in commercial life. Furthermore, Sam Walton of Wal---Mart Stores Inc. does not a MBA degree, but they are the most successful man in commercial.
In my opinion, diploma does not equal to knowledge. A diploma is a piece of paper which establishes your education degree. But your true ability and the real knowledge come from your hard work and endowment. If you got a diploma by dishonest behavior, no matter how high a diploma it is, it were just a piece of paper, and you were as blank as that paper.
5.中国劳工雇佣现状 present employment in china
Despite the overwhelming severity of mass lay-off and unemployment and drop of labor force participation in the entire urban China since the late 1990s, two facts have been observed by scholars. First, the employment in urban area has always expanded in a rather rapid way during the period that is considered the most difficult time of labor market. Second, the growth of urban employment is uneven among regions characterized as the fast-growing region contributing much more to overall employment expansion than moderate-growing region.
The increase in unemployment rate and decrease in labor participation cause many to have the impression that there has been no increase in employment in China since the 1990s, or even there has been absolute decrease in employment. For example, Rawski (2001) takes “zero employment increase” as evidence to question on China’s GDP growth performance after the late 1990s. If we just observe the state and urban collective sectors that were traditionally only absorbers of urban employment, the employment has indeed declined year by year since the latter part of 1990s, as is shown in Figure 1. However, because the components of China’s economy become diversified, the employment structure experienced huge changes. Only changes in unit employments in state and urban collective sectors could no longer fully reflect changes in total employment.
6. 因特网及其影响 internet and its impact
the fast-moving information technology,an increasing number of people get online and surf the net,among which university students make up the majority of the population.The information superhighway has forever changed our society and daily life just as what automobile has done to us.From my point of view,every invention made by human beings has its merits and demerits,so does the internet.
Obviously,the impact of internet can no longer be ignored by the society.For most college students,internet has become part of their lives and they spent most of their time browsing websites and chatting online.Above all,they do benefit much from gaining access to the internet due to its consistent updates.We can get timely news and keep track of what is going on in the world.To some degree,it contributes to the formation of a sense of responsibility in the younger generation.Further more,we really get amused by surfing the net because it's multifunctional and entertaining.We chat with our cyber friends,read books and news coverages,as well as listen to music.We enjoy the process of free exchange of ideas.The internet provides a virtual world in which they can socialize and communicate with people from all over the world.In addition,the transparency of media serves as a monitor to urge the governments to perfect their management and supervision,which helps to improve the organization of human society.
However,students' addiction to the internet has become a serious concern.Many college students spend more than 10 hours a day playing online games.A good number of people develop online relationships with strangers from the other hemisphere within minutes,whereas they don't bother hanging out with their friends and relatives in real life.A lot of people establish their own cyber domains which consist of friends and acquaintances that they come across in the cyber world,while their real social circles are shrinking.And,people are distanced from kins and friends.We're acquainted the notion that the internet brings us various benefits but we seldom realize that it also estranges us from families and friends,and it fragments our society further.
Many people complain that our sense of reality is distorted and we constantly feel the lack of a sense of belonging.But I think it's ourselves who plays an essential role in achieving a balance between the virtual existence and reality.Only those who are able to differentiate between the two can be real beneficiaries.