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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 11:48:24
Wilber Pan,the popular Channel V VJ,has become one of the hottest pop icons.He is energetic(精力充沛) and humorous,and is so different from other stars that are high up in the air.
Say hi to everyone?
How should a star behave?Stand high above the masses(高高在上)?Or say hi to everyone?During the promotion(宣传) of his book “Never Teach Me Grammar”(《就是不想学文法》),no matter how long the queue(队伍) was,Wilber was always patient.After the book promotion,he would drive home himself,which surprised the staff who were ready to serve him.Many told him,“You are not an ordinary man(普通人),you are a star!” He answered,“Everyone can be my friend.I don’t want to put on airs(摆架子).”
“Wilber,sit down!”
Wilber was born in America,but he hadn’t heard a single word of English until he was sent to kindergarten(幼儿园).He couldn’t understand what others were talking about,and this made him feel like he was in prison(被囚禁).
One day,he tried more than 30 times to escape(逃跑).At last,his teacher lost her temper(发脾气) and shouted at the top of her lungs(肺),“Wilber,sit down!” Though he couldn’t understand,he knew she was angry.
Later that day,his mother asked him while driving him home,“What have you learned today?” He shouted,“Wilber,sit down!”
This was the first time Wilber said something in English.His mother was shocked and nearly lost control(失控) of the car.
“Dad is smarter than I thought!”
Wilber gradually learnt to speak English,and soon became a chatter-box(话匣子).Because of this,his primary school teacher asked him to sit alone,three meters away from his classmates.To make matters worse,his father could clearly see his classroom from the parking lot(停车场).
“It was so shameful(丢人)!” Wilber recalled,“so I put my schoolbag on my desk and pretended(佯装) to talk with an imaginary(假想的) classmate beside me.”
One day,his father told him,“You can stop putting on an act(装样子).Your teacher has already told me that you are sitting alone because you talked too much.”
This is Pan Wilber.He is a star but his story is just like one of any boy who lives next door.
Birthday:August 6,1980
Height:174 cm Weight:69 kg
Tag(口头禅):We’ll see!
Favorite Sport:Basketball
Favorite Animal:Dog
再问: 亲~小短文 我要演讲的