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八年级下英语U1U2帮我总结下固定词组(like doing sth,want to do sth之类的)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:30:56
八年级下英语U1U2帮我总结下固定词组(like doing sth,want to do sth之类的)
要是like doing sth,want to do sth之类的
八年级下 Unit1
1.免费 be free
3.活到200岁 live to be 200 years old
5.更少的污染 less pollution
7.更少地使用地铁 use the subway less
9.更多的高楼 more tall buildings
11.十年后 in ten years
13.住的地方 places to live
15.住在太空站 live on the space station
17.住在公寓 live in an apartment
19.一个人住 live alone/by oneself
21.去滑冰 go skating
23.看起来很时髦 look smart
25.穿着随意 dress casually
27.实现 come true
29.在未来 in the future
八年级下 Unit 2
argue with sb.与某人生气
have an argument with sb.与某人生气
out of style 不时髦的
in style 时髦的
keep out 不让……进入
call sb.up 打电话给……
on the phone 用电话交谈
pay for 付款
part-time job 兼职工作
Teen Talk 青少年论坛
the same as 与…同样的
get on 相处
as much as possible 尽可能多
all kinds of 各种
borrow sth.from sb.向某人借某物
find out 找出
be popular at school 在学校受欢迎
except me 除了我
have a quick supper 去吃快餐
not……until 直到……才
try to do 试着去做
complain about doing sth.抱怨做某事
seem to do
compare…with 把…与…做比较
think for 为…着想
too loud太大声
enough money足够的钱
busy enough 够忙
a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的门票
talk about 谈论
buy sth for sb为……买东西
tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事
fail the test 考试不及格
get on well相处很好
all kinds of 各种各样
take part in 参加
a bit / a little 一点
I find it difficult to do sth.我发现做某事很难.
see sb doing sth看到某人正在做某事
be angry with 生……的气
by themselves 他们自己
on the one hand一方面
on the other hand 另一方面
find it +adj.+to do sth.发现做某事很怎样
learn to do 学会做某事