作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:13:25
2 What's your opinoin of Mrs.Li's request______ we should spend half an hour reading English every morning?
A why B that C how D whether
3 The king made a promise______ anyone cured his on-ly son,he would give away half of his money to him .
A that B if C that if D if that
4 Word came______his son would be sent abroad to study business management sometime next year .
A that B whether C why D how
5 The problem will ap-pear_____a different welfare system will be crea-ted.
A unless B whether C until D if
6 -----Is there any possibility____you could pick me up at the airport?
------No problem
A when B that C whether D what
7 The students are forbidden,unless they have special pas-sea,_____after 11 p.m
A in staying B to say out C staying out D stay out .
2答案选B,同位从的先行词是request,从句we should spend half an hour reading English every morning.不缺任何成分,故选B.相当于request的内容就是we should spend half an hour reading English every morning.
7.答案选B,注意两个逗号之间的部分为条件状从,去掉不影响句子主干,可以先略去不看,于是主语是the students,谓语是are forbidden to say out.主要考查forbide的用法,forbide doing sth,forbide sb. to do sth.,sb. be forbidden to do sth