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We’ve all seen them:perfectly toned famous people on late-ni

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/01 13:06:22
We’ve all seen them:perfectly toned famous people on late-night television telling us that we too can develop rock-hard abdominal muscles(腹肌).It’s easy!Just pay $149.99 for the Torso Track or $149.75 for the Ad-Doer and watch those unwanted inches leave your waist.Americans spend tens of million of dollars on various products to firm up their fat around the waist.的意思
我们都见过他们:深夜的电视上完全低调的著名人士告诉我们,我们也可以开发岩石一样坚硬的腹部肌肉(腹肌).这很容易!只需付$ 149.99躯干轨道或AD -实干家149.75美元和观看那些不必要英寸离开你的腰部.美国人各种产品上花费数千万美元的坚定腰部周围的脂肪.