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SAT语法题!1.All species of sea turtles are endangered because o

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 10:31:15
1.All species of sea turtles are endangered because of (the overharvesting of adults,disturbance of their eggs,and destruction of nesting habitats)
the adults are overharvested,their eggs are disturbed,and their nesting habitats are destroyed(WHY?)
2.An amateur potter herself,the accountant offered to help the artist with his business accounts,complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping.(E)
AS they were 是什么用法?
3.at the conclusion of the novel the great gatsby,nick carrawar,a young
midwesterner recently (arrived to) New York,moodily watches the blinking
green light at the tip of Long Island.
arrived to 错,应改成什么?
4..As children mature,they develop "an independence" that their parents,who have been responsible for them since they were born,often find difficult to accept.(E)
5.The newspaper reported (A) that despite the increase in (B) the minimum wage,many people are (C) still having (D) trouble making ends meet.
reported 后面 内容不是应该是过去式嘛?C为啥对?
6The businessman A(is) the head B(of a company) C(that has been) investigated by authorities D(in the latest) crackdown of corporate fund.
latest 不是表示发生过的吗?为什么前面不用过去式?
7.our team has worked for several "months on a robot for the science fair that we plan on entering in the robotics division
months on a robot that we plan to enter in therobotics division of the science fair(为什么?这里THAT的用法是类似于SO THAT等表目的吗)
8..[For most of] recent history,people have used energy wastefully,but (B)[now that] supplies of essential fuels are becoming (C)[rapidly depleted],environmentalists are
urging people to change (D)[it].
9.In researching an individual's life,the biographer must sift through facts,opinions,untruths,and ((different accounts of the same events)).
(A)different accounts of the same events
(C) events told in different ways by different people
(D) accounts about events that are different
10.像WHOSE STH/WHICH/WHOM等 是不是前面不能有连词如AND?
1.不好意思,第一题OF 是在括号里的,我弄错了
2.AS THEY WERE 我还是...一头雾水
3.另外 我知道 IN 和 to 的区别啊亲们= 问题是这样不是变两句话了吗?还是这里省略了WHO?或者应该改成 ARRIVING IN?
5.请问张达人,难道类似Report 后面时态全用现在时吗=
6.latest 不是上一次镇压吗,既然是上一次就应该用过去完成式啊!TAT
如果是定语从句,正确语序是 enter a robot,
1.答案是错的,除非括号前面不是because of而是because.因为because of后面只能跟名词或动名词.只有because后面才能跟句子.之所以想改成because the adults are overharvested,their eggs are disturbed,and their nesting habitats are destroyed,是因为动作都是被动的.
4.引号内为抽象名词的具体用法,所以加了冠词.另外如:a success,a failure,an experience.
7.这是定语从句,不是类似于SO THAT等表目的.
9.A的意思是同一事件的不同的版本,内容有出入,C的意思是同一事件由不同的人用不同的方法来述说,内容没变,所以C不对.D的句子错了,用different events比用events that are different要好.